Example sentences of "[adv] his [noun] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly his face flooded with recognition but it was too late : the seat with Gazzer and his mate in had swept past him .
2 To make his tributes to earlier cities complete , before returning to Cambridge and Boston in 1932 he wrote to a correspondent in St Louis in 1930 , telling him how much his poetry owed to his childhood there .
3 The story continues with an account of how the next day when he started to get upset Little Turtle remembered what the tortoise had told him so he closed his eyes , pulled in his arms close to his body , put his head down so his chin rested against his chest , and rested for a while , until he knew what to do .
4 The man became calmer , sank to his knees and allowed the executioner to bend him so his neck fitted over the block .
5 Thus , on the facts of the Dodds case , where a landlord gave notice of termination of a tenancy of business premises under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 on the 30 September 1978 , the ‘ four month ’ period during which the tenant had a right to apply for a new tenancy expired at midnight on 30 January , and so his application made on 31 January 1979 was invalid as being out of time .
6 Not that he would have felt nearly so hard done by had only his wallet suffered by it .
7 Only his eyes burned in the flawless face .
8 Nevertheless his eyes rested on her , as they had done that first day .
9 Thus his ideas remained as a potent legacy for the new generation of Marxists which emerged in the 1950s and 1960s .
10 The longer you held someone , the more his will conformed to yours .
11 In Nicholas 's lifetime the personal principle prevailed over the others , but once his successor embarked on emancipation the other two had to be considered more seriously .
12 Unaccountably his features softened for a fleeting second .
13 Now his torso rested in a cup-shaped cart adorned with valour tassels and therapeutic seals .
14 The old man was upset , but he 'd soon change when he saw how well his son behaved in future .
15 Dene Stallard says three years ago his boat flipped on the water and he woke up in hospital …
16 But today his lawyers applied for the company to be compulsorily wound-up .
17 Here his fortune changed after his discovery in 1845 , after much experimentation , of a new and rapid method of making alum from coal shale ( colliery refuse ) and the ammoniacal liquor by-product of gasworks .
18 Nervously his eyes flicked over the screen .
19 His real interests , however , increasingly came to lie in science and eventually his father paid for him to attend University College London , where he studied chemistry .
20 Unfortunately his paintings passed from fashion and the public eye and much has been lost and awaits discovery .
21 Oh no no , if he , if he tried to pull a fast one we 've already had one like that th that came in and bought a set unfortunately his father paid by cheque , oh no , well he paid by two cheques which , they had a card on them I know very well they ca n't stop them very well and he went out and er , and er the T V was only in the car and he went round a corner quick and he went brrrm like that you know
22 Then his expression altered to something less decipherable .
23 His reaction was to allow a harsh laugh to escape him , until she struck him hard on the jaw ; then his laughter changed in a flash and he grabbed hold of first one fist , then two , holding them easily in one hand while be brought up his free hand and cupped her chin in it .
24 She breathed deeply , like a swimmer suddenly out of her depth , then his arms locked around her , crushing her against the tautly muscled wall of his chest .
25 Then his thumb moved to her lips and scored them brutally and then he jerked her away from him .
26 Then his gaze moved to Merrill as Heather pulled Rob away to meet a small group who had just come into the room .
27 The leading Myrcan looked him up and down critically , then his gaze passed over Riven 's shoulder to Isay .
28 Then his head toppled from his body and bounced in the dust .
29 Then his head dipped towards her and he kissed her full on the lips , a harsh , plundering kiss that robbed her of breath and left her trembling beneath him .
30 His face registered disbelief , then his lips parted in a smile .
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