Example sentences of "[adv] we might have [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps we might have a look at things , at this stage , through the eyes of young Benjamin Titford , the youngest surviving son , left motherless at nine years old ; waving his big brother William Charles goodbye as he set off for London soon afterwards ; watching brother John cough himself into an early grave ; listening to endless conversations about high prices , shortages , and a war across the channel ; dragged out of his bed in the middle of the night to cries of ‘ Fire ! ’ and ‘ Flood ! ’ ; struggling to keep warm every winter ; watching his father die of a long illness — these experiences made his childhood , in modern terms , an awful , albeit a dramatic one .
2 If we pursue the last option then we might have a job proving that we have made a successful descent but at least it would then truly become a purely personal outing in a boat .
3 For example , if the category can take the values 1 to 7 , the factory number can be 01 to 11 , the product type can be 01 to 37 , and the number of products in the type can range from 001 to 999 , with 147 being the largest required at present ( the number varies with type ) , then we might have the following runs of continuous numbers made up of the digits representing the category , factory , product type and number of products :
4 If we accept this , then we might have an objective principle for distinguishing between the relevant and irrelevant associations of words in a text , for ordering its parts according to their relative importance , and for connecting these parts with one another .
5 I 'll tell her anyway otherwise we might have the sack .
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