Example sentences of "[adv] from [noun] [coord] the " in BNC.

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1 This reflected the extent to which politics was a career that followed quite naturally from station and the clearing out that had taken place after 1906 .
2 Instead , each of us is thought of as starting more or less from scratch and the philosophical questions are how we can come from such a state , via our awareness of the passing show of sensory experience , to the sophisticated knowledge which we all have as members of a modern society .
3 ( Many emigrants chose to bring out their wives , and in 1948 and 1950 , for example , ships arrived bringing women only from Madeira and the Azores . )
4 International money orders , available in sterling or US dollars from Barclays , or dollars only from Lloyds and the Royal Bank of Scotland , are the next best bet .
5 International money orders , available in sterling or US dollars from Barclays , or dollars only from Lloyds and the Royal Bank of Scotland , are the next best bet .
6 International money orders , available in sterling or US dollars from Barclays , or dollars only from Lloyds and the Royal Bank of Scotland , are the next best bet .
7 The programme would concentrate on reducing environmental damage and pollution , especially from Poland and the Soviet Union .
8 Britain 's apparent relative industrial decline in the face of competition , especially from Germany and the United States , had caused concern in the 1890s .
9 The bulk of it was unprocessed but there have been moves towards processing it away from Japan and the industrialized countries of the region .
10 I mean I 'm no historian , you 'd have to check up on this with my hubby , but as far as I know the Reformation started up North in Europe a guid lang mile away from Rome and the Pope and that , up in the Region of what we now know as Holland , and Germany and Alsace Lorraine .
11 Problems with the hospital sector come most readily to the general public 's attention , contributing to a belief that the NHS is underfunded , and this has been exacerbated in parts of the South East by moves to distribute resources away from London and the South East ( based on the teaching hospitals ) in favour of the regions .
12 Later that day , Paula had also phoned to tell her to stay away from Gilfoyle and the relationship then ended .
13 The Minister 's enthusiasm sounds a bit hollow , especially as the Government ran away from Monktonhall and the idea of developing the Scottish coalfields .
14 American Express managing director John Crewe says : ‘ There is a whole swing away from debt and the creation of debt as people become more cautious , which means the charge card will come into its own . ’
15 If people coming down from the North wearing British Coal Rugby League jumpers think they 're travelling away from home and the event is rather special , imagine the feelings of an Australian as he goes up that long concourse to the Vatican of the inflated rubber bladder .
16 That I think recognizes a possibility , by no means a probability , but a possibility that Paul might move away from home and the more real possibility that in due course that Mr and Mrs might be unable to bear their part further as carers .
17 Commonwealth champion Hardy will be fighting some 300 miles away from home and the major support will be noisily reserved for local fighting man Billy Schwer , the former British lightweight title holder on his comeback .
18 Hereford United are just two steps away from Wembley and the final of the Sherpa Van trophy competition .
19 Peace and quiet are easy to find even in the height of the season , for the hotel is splendidly isolated , away from traffic and the merest hint of a crowd .
20 Well before the Great Plague of London in 1665 and the Great Fire of the following year , Chiswick had become established as a healthy environment away from Westminster and the City of London , yet conveniently close to both , also to Richmond Palace and Windsor Castle .
21 Away from Bucharest and the constant oversight of his parents , Nicu perhaps developed some critical ideas about the realities of life in Romania for people outside the Communist élite .
22 I was ready to get right away from television and the inevitable inquests .
23 ‘ This is the first opportunity I 've had to get away from Josh and the director .
24 Away from Prague and the big cities camping is the cheapest way to travel .
25 Geary attempts to explain both the long-term trend away from violence and the sudden return to it in terms of three socio-political developments : the increasing constitutionalisation of trade unions and the police , the growing impact of the media and the progressive democratisation of civil liberties .
26 The myths of continuity and harmonious inequality all persist more comfortably well away from industry or the inner city .
27 She could leave now , could get away from Dane and the cottage , back to her own life and reality .
28 Voters turned away from Labour and the Liberal Democrats because they feared the consequences of a Labour government — and the sources of that fear go well beyond the circumstances of 1992 .
29 Fewer than eighty purveyors of museum supplies and services took booths , and for most of the time the vendors largely from Canada and the northeastern U.S. had the Hilton basement entirely to themselves .
30 However , both also suggest a significant influence absent both from Middleborough and the Lion and Stag pavement .
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