Example sentences of "[adv] she [vb past] she be " in BNC.

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1 And suddenly she found she was wet .
2 So she said she 's no car to come over here
3 So she said she 's , you know
4 But deep inside she knew she was n't as angry as she was pretending , that anger was really only a small part of what she felt .
5 And she 's , that was tonight she said she 's hoping to be home Thursday .
6 So anyway she decided she was going out Livingston to live with this friend of hers .
7 So anyway this girl eventually she said she was , it was her coffee break but she would come er in passing and sort us out .
8 The more she argued , the more she felt she was treading quicksand .
9 Said , like she thought she was pregnant !
10 Now she knew she was in for an unpleasant surprise .
11 She was used to having one eye , but now she knew she was n't seeing what she should .
12 When she had said that before she had meant it , but now she realised she was lying ; she was wanting to make him feel better and she was also hanging on to her old life to feel safe .
13 I have n't , er well she said she 's leaving her house now .
14 And she went from here about er well she said she was going at quarter past two .
15 Well she said she was very nice .
16 Well she said she were gon na call and let you know how she got on .
17 well it 's like Elly , you know , I mean even she said she 's , I can really see , she said I even said it in an argument the other day , cos none of them could see at the time
18 Cos when she left here she thought she was pregnant I told you did n't I ?
19 There are many mementoes of her life in the collection — everywhere she went she was feted and given souvenirs of her visits to distant parts of the world .
20 Sometimes she said she was Gloria Swanson .
21 Sometimes she felt she was crunching up shards of glass , blood all over her mouth .
22 It was only then she realised she was shivering .
23 She thought everyone in the world knew , then she realized she was , indeed , behaving like a star , expecting not only that her nine-day scandal in the theatre would still be common knowledge after all this time , but also that he would know the details of her life since .
24 Then she discovered she was pregnant and the big day was brought forward .
25 Then she found she was doing all this already , and a sigh of utter contentment shivered through her .
26 Juliet explained how it had all started , then she found she was telling her about Mrs Maybury and Celia .
27 Course she said she was there .
28 Erm bearing in mind that when she actually came and spoke about her part-time job her income was thirty five pound a week and yet she said she was a tax payer well take home pay was thirty five pound a week and talking about being a tax payer .
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