Example sentences of "[adv] by the time [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was a little after ten o'clock by the time the three men gathered in the council chamber over the post office and unrolled the plans on the long oak table .
2 I started playing when I was seven , so by the time The Stones happened it was not difficult for me to play , so I could appreciate it for the music alone .
3 Other ears heard the transmission , so by the time the force arrived at the target it was covered by a very effective smokescreen .
4 At that time the navigator and bombardier starting going on missions because evidently they were short so by the time the Gdynia mission came around the bombardier and the , and the er navigator had missions under their belt so this was to be my first mission .
5 Those rates may be completely out of date by the time a statement of the special damages claimed is drawn up , and even more so by the time the action is tried .
6 So by the time an actual ( although as it turned out farcical ) landing took place in North Wales on 25 February , there was little gold in the chest to meet massive withdrawing .
7 There would be a lot of damage and a few people would get hurt , but the lads would be away by the time the police could get round to the place .
8 Thus by the time the size of the government grant is known in late autumn , the groundwork will have been done .
9 It will , of course , seldom happen that after the buyer has had some benefit , the contract is avoided by section 7 because usually by the time the goods are delivered to the buyer risk will have passed to him ; section 7 applies only where the goods perish before the risk passes to the buyer .
10 It should be emphasised again that this last situation will occur only very seldom , because usually by the time the buyer gets possession of the goods risk will have passed to him and , if the goods perish after risk has passed to the buyer , that will not frustrate the contract .
11 Weather conditions had deteriorated rapidly by the time the plane reached Prestwick and the pilot aborted his landing almost on touch-down .
12 Yesterday it announced figures for the first half of 1989 so late in the day that the London market had mostly packed up and gone home by the time the screens showed that profits had risen from Ir £109m to Ir £121m and earnings were up from 21.7p to 25.4p basic .
13 But , as HEATHER KIDD reports , the rebuilding process should be underway by the time the Wallabies arrive .
14 A caesarean section is the ultimate answer to many calving problems but according to Mr Barwise-Munro : ‘ It 's still regarded by farmers as a last resort and very often by the time the vet is called , the cow has been left too long with the result that she has to be culled .
15 I think that the hon. Gentleman will know what I mean when I say that in the context of coming towards the end of a particular available time , whether it is the time for talks or the time for a general election , there is reluctance among certain parties — and I make this remark generally — to turn their cards face upwards if there is any danger that other people will not have turned their cards face upwards by the time the whistle blows .
16 The new four-cylinder engine — the one that still powers the Excel and the Esprit — was dreadfully unreliable at first , but went quite well by the time the Elite was launched .
17 Even by the time the Bishop 's Castle Railway opened in 1865 there was still sufficient concern about the frightening effect of trains on horses to make special precautions necessary .
18 Indeed by the time a modern 486 machine or an SE or LC Macintosh had been linked into a network the distinction was almost meaningless .
19 Yet by the time the invasion neared he was one of the inner-most group of five Ministers — with Eden , Lloyd , Macmillan and Head [ who had replaced Monckton as Minister of Defence ] ( plus Mountbatten , the Chief of Staff ) — who effectively took the decision to issue an ultimatum to Egypt and Israel .
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