Example sentences of "[adv] do [pron] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But Sam can apparently do what the hell he likes , with as many women as he pleases ! ’
2 Many people think you can only do what the punchcard tells you to do but , being me , I always try to get as much as I can from them — even with a lace card I 'll try knitting it in different ways .
3 Local authorities can only do what the law explicitly allows ; all council powers come from Acts of Parliament .
4 ‘ Well , I 've only done it a couple of times as you know .
5 Equally , we tend to see the learning of a foreign language as mastering a skill , thereby perhaps doing ourselves a disservice .
6 Shylock says himself that it is not only a Jewish teaching , it is also a Christian 's way of thought , and he is only doing what a Christian would do : ( Act 3 , Scene 1 , lines 54–55 )
7 He knew that Alain was a fair fighter and that he was only doing what every driver does , taking advantage of his superiority in performance .
8 ‘ I am pleased and excited that the Office of Communication 's long track record for media advocacy is being recognised by such a celebrated educational institution , even though we are only doing what the Gospels tell us to do , ’ said the Office 's Director , Dr Beverly J Chain .
9 So do me a favour .
10 So do me a favour , Merrill .
11 We only do one every week seven and one every week five you know .
12 So did I. The feeling wears off . ’
13 I have just done her a return kindness by getting invitations for her and her mother , to the Alumnus of the Year award given by Royal Bank as holder of Chair of European Governmental Studies .
14 Now could you just do me a cup of tea , Irina dear ? ’
15 I might just do mine a bit at home .
16 And you think , Well hang on let's just do it a bit of common sense .
17 The Government has thus done what no government before has done — it has given an inferior tribunal the power to determine the extent of its own jurisdiction .
18 My separatist friends said I was selling out , and taking on the role of mother was just doing what the patriarchy had trained me for .
19 Shy and modest , Pauline Ashley says only : ‘ I just do what a wife has to .
20 I still just do whatever the songs require ; the song is king to me , and I just do whatever works within any given song .
21 Just do me a favour and let me go ! ’
22 Just do yourself a favour and tell me now where my cousin is . ’
23 might say well just do it the end of the year .
24 Just do us a favour and come home fully recovered , Virgie , darling !
25 It would still do you no harm to attend a re-entry programme in the meantime , as it will give you a taste of current nursing practice , and help you in deciding exactly what you would like to do in the future .
26 ‘ I always do it every year , ’ she 'd replied rather snappishly .
27 I was dead against it , but he always did what the family wanted .
28 Sally-Anne was delighted by his changed manner ; he always looked so charming when he smiled — even the scar seemed to disappear a little , and as she was always ready for fun herself — a trait she shared with her papa — and the game looked like being fun , she said , eyes shining , ‘ Oh , I play to win , too , but a good servant always does what the Master commands , ’ and she cast her eyes down in the manner of a stage domestic registering submission .
29 ‘ I thought if we could get their nature thing together with your Alps thing , we might both do ourselves a bit of good .
30 As we take in the tale of this encounter , which clearly did him a power of good , we have to translate the euphemisms .
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