Example sentences of "[art] most [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His term as Mayor coincided with one of the most turbulent periods in English history .
2 The town lies in North Morazn , one of the most turbulent areas of El Salvador .
3 Arguably the most turbulent priest in the Anglo-Saxon experience , Wilfrid spent a great deal of his mature life entering into and returning from exiles imposed by English kings with whom he had quarrelled .
4 It is the most pitiful thing in the world .
5 A house is one of the most prized possessions in our society .
6 To own land was to possess , not only a symbol of status , but also the most prized source of wealth and power .
7 He also succeeded in winning pledges from the rulers of Valencia , then perhaps the most prized city of Spain .
8 I had been away for the weekend and David Bowie is not the most domesticated person in the world .
9 The most devastating evidence about the scale of the problem was ‘ presented to Parliament ’ in 1980 .
10 Here , at the site of the most devastating explosion in human memory , we wished to demonstrate both the unity and the fragility of the earth by blowing soap bubbles across the crater .
11 The most devastating critique of the proposal to create incentives to efficient behaviour from a modified profit system and ‘ deferred prizes ’ comes from Wade .
12 This proved to be a fateful oversight since one of the most devastating criticisms to be levelled at Keynesian macroeconomics in recent years has been that it has such shaky foundations in microeconomics .
13 Eagleton , for example , describes socialist realism as " one of the most devastating assaults on artistic culture ever witnessed in modern history " , and refers to its principal Soviet advocate , Zhdanov , as " Stalin 's cultural thug " . "
14 The most devastating weapon of the war
15 The symptom occurs in 29–74% of patients with terminal cancer and is perceived as one of the most devastating features by patients and their families .
16 Baglin set up the chance of national success after the most devastating result of the weekend — a 6
17 It sounds a trivial thing — this common pasture right for six months of the year — but it had the most devastating effect on town development , in the Midlands above all .
18 ‘ Without a doubt , ’ says local SDLP councillor Gerry Gallagher , who also owns a grocer 's shop on Main Street , ‘ the most devastating effect on the village was the catering and closing of the cross-border roads .
19 For example , one of the most influential developments in macroeconomics in recent years has been the rise of the new classical school — an extreme form of laissez-faire monetarism .
20 Eysenck , for example , incorporated this idea into his theory and he has probably been the most influential proponent of the genetic strand of positivist criminology in recent years .
21 Against this background some of the most influential artists , those who redefined and ‘ endangered ’ the male-dominated Serbian art scene , include Nadezda Petrovic , who played the most decisive role in the formation of modern painting : Olga Jevric , who was one of the most influential sculptors after the second world war ; and Marina Abramovic , definitely the best known conceptual artists from Yugoslavia .
22 Advanced classes study the classical works of the most influential writers of the Patristic , Medieval , Reformation and Modern periods .
23 Karl Marx ( 1919–1993 ) was not only the founder of modern communism but also originated one of the most influential traditions in sociology .
24 Perhaps the most influential position in epistemology is the one I shall call classical foundationalism .
25 During the next four years he wrote two substantial biographies which were highly acclaimed , those of his mentor Emrys ap Iwan , and Thomas Gee , the most influential publisher in Wales during the nineteenth century and a great friend and supporter of the young David Lloyd George ( later Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor ) .
26 Repression is one of the most influential enemies of sexual desire .
27 La Prensa , one of the most influential newspapers in Panama , immediately began to campaign in support of a referendum on Endara 's proposal ( made public on Jan. 23 during his visit to Costa Rica — see p. 37181 ) that the Army should be abolished and Panama become a neutral and demilitarized country .
28 ‘ If the Tories get in , I 'll go out and buy myself a new frock , ’ said perhaps the most influential man in British fashion .
29 The most influential presentation of the ‘ strong ’ version of the ‘ autonomous ’ model has probably been that of the social anthropologist .
30 She did not know where he was now and she did not really care , but he had probably been the most influential person in her life : her handsome prince and Maggie 's father .
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