Example sentences of "[art] way that would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is a set of genes involved in patterning the embryo , the homeobox genes ( Chapter 7 ) , which are expressed in the developing limb buds in just the Way that would suggest that they may encode positional information .
2 Will he therefore support a cross-party approach to Northern Ireland affairs during the election and unequivocally reject any partisan trading with the Anglo-Irish Agreement in a way that would reverse the peace process after the next election ?
3 The barrister behaved impeccably , and indicated repeatedly that he was not prepared to concede that he had ‘ offended against [ section 19A of the Act of 1985 ] in a way that would entitle your Honour to make an order . ’
4 The urge to cash in on contemporary themes remained , however , and another small group of films attempted to dramatize these issues in a way that would avoid the pitfalls of labour films .
5 It does not call for explicit statements of the objectives of expenditure in a way that would enable a Minister 's plans to be tested against general government strategy : nor can it regularly embody detailed analysis of existing programmes and of major policy options on them .
6 We wanted to make it easier for people to get the money to which they were entitled , and I set my hand to introducing the reforms in a way that would enable people to do so .
7 Well it 's just that for that , I mean that 's all , it 's all relative for those conditions there are , there is too much labour on the land , you erm , if you could increase agricultural productivity in a way that would displace labour and that 's very difficult to do , well you can , you can do it er most , most capital is labour displacing but not all , not all capital , erm so you could , whereas I see , I see what you are saying is that , why well the you could g you could , you could do it right even though that there are a lot of people on the land er you could still make them wholly productive by giving them more capital that was n't labour that was n't labour displacing , like you give them better seeds for example , like that would increase the productivity of the land , there would n't be so much you know population pressure on the land er because everybody would have enough to eat and we could er actually sell something , right .
8 Now members of LA 's rock ‘ aristocracy ’ , they may be viewed in some quarters as an anachronism but no-one could deny that they can still draw the big crowds in a way that would make many a ‘ hip ’ band envious .
9 But other marsupials live in a way that would make such an exposed method of transport positively lethal .
10 ‘ The expectations may be based upon some statement or undertaking by , or on behalf of , the public authority which has the duty of making the decision , if the authority has , through its officers , acted in a way that would make it unfair or inconsistent with good administration for him to be denied such an inquiry .
11 Ecology was a parallel move designed not to transcend field studies , but to transform them in a way that would make them genuinely scientific .
12 If it were left to itself the House of Commons could produce independent members in a way that would make the King 's Government impossible since it could refuse to grant the money needed to carry out his will .
13 Proportional representation in Parliament might translate into disproportionate power in government in a way that would make the established first-past-the-post inequalities look rather more fair than is often seen to be the case .
14 Many aspects of the interaction between employers and employees are not covered by formal contracts because important elements in that interaction are not readily measurable in a way that would make a formal contract enforceable in court .
15 At a press conference Mr Fyodorov stressed that any new aid should be delivered in a way that would leave a political impression on the Russian people .
16 The right-wing intellectuals sought to influence postwar political culture in a way that would destigmatise their fascist ideas .
17 They should be able to grasp a total situation from the fragments presented to them and respond linguistically in a way that would benefit their business .
18 to cause or knowingly to permit any matter to enter a stream , so as to tend ( either directly or in combination with other matter which is caused or permitted to enter the stream ) to impede the flow of the stream in a way that would lead to a substantial aggravation of pollution due to other causes ;
19 The cell bodies of the sympathetic nerves to the upper gastrointestinal tract which are located within the irradiated volume thus represent a credible target since they might reasonably be expected to influence the duodenum in such a way that would lead to a susceptibility to ulcer by , for example , reducing mucosal blood flow or bicarbonate secretion , both of which functions are under sympathetic control .
20 As soon as Ruth acknowledged her poverty and her willingness to work God stepped in and guided her life in a way that would bring great blessing .
21 Frequently husbands and wives will attempt to arouse each other in a way that would suit them personally and this causes problems .
22 Law firms started to compete more fiercely with each other — through ‘ beauty parades ’ and even on price — in a way that would have appeared unseemly a decade earlier .
23 One believed himself to be Mario Lanza , and , at the mention of a ‘ key ’ word , would assault a well-known aria in a way that would have peeled the paint off any bathroom wall .
24 We also know that people who have lost a limb , or had a stroke or heart disease can get back their mobility and their health in a way that would have seemed quite impossible only twenty years ago .
25 This game shamelessly rips it off in a way that would have most copyright lawyers drooling .
26 This movement , as Rufus had no doubt intended , sent Mary toppling forward into Adam 's arms , her breasts lightly slapping into his chest in a way that would have been blissful if it had been allowed to continue but Mary , drunk as she was , had sprung aside , actually sprung to her feet , and rather late in the day hugged her arms across her chest .
27 Even as he charmed Cagney burnt up a nervous restlessness in a way that would have been very familiar to many of his fans .
28 His photographs from this time succeeded in capturing the real China in a way that would have been impossible to a foreigner .
29 The Republic also pointed the way to the future in its attempts to regulate English trade in a way that would help English shipping though its efforts were not immediately successful ; the monarchy took the same legislative approach , but was able to make its laws effective and on this basis set up a system of control of trade in the empire that survived until the middle of the nineteenth century .
30 To wean himself away from concrete , physical sensation , the Jewish adept should learn to contemplate language in a way that would divorce it from meaning and physical reality .
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