Example sentences of "[art] way [conj] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Nor can we think of the Christian God as three persons in the way that we normally consider them to be , or we would surely have to conclude that it was a religion committed to polytheism .
2 Almost all the words which have both a strong and weak form belong to a category that may be called function words — words that do not have a dictionary meaning in the way that we normally expect nouns , verbs , adjectives and adverbs to have .
3 ‘ Personal contacts and friendships , I believe , are the way that we actually get to respect each other and therefore find that the differences between us are not quite as great as we had thought .
4 erm , it 's how confident you are in yourself and the way that you actually put your point across .
5 Unavoidably , we have to delay some decisions , we put off other decisions , we look at other alternatives , that is the way that you prudently manage budgets .
6 We maybe on different sides , but we want to make sure that the O A P s and the people that do have to er er present th pay these bills , I mean if you consider if you think of Calor , Calor Gas , Calor Gas , the way that I actually heat my I pay V A T on that , Calor Gas is is is V A T ed
7 And perhaps Van Dyck does n't flatter him in quite the way , flatter 's the wrong word , sort of transmutes him in the way that he often does in his very elegant and sophisticated portraits .
8 It was uncanny the way that he always knew when he reached the pew .
9 A curiosity in Enescu 's output is the way that he sometimes bracketed under the same opus number works of the same genre but widely separated in time : the two Op. 24 piano sonatas of 1924 and 1935 , for example ( the latter in fact called No. 3 , since the composer confessed that No. 2 existed only in his head and was never written down ) , or the more extreme case of the two Op. 26 cello sonatas of 1898 and 1935 .
10 Too shy ( and now , he smiled at the word shy ever applying to him ) to approach her directly in the way that he usually did with women he found attractive .
11 I have mentioned aspects of the debate on the inclusion of the subjective self into an ethnography ; now I hope to weave aspects of this subjective self into a scientific construct , revealing something of police culture along the way as I briefly explore some of my own early career moves .
12 by the way if we ever did do that stay with aunty Mary , right , then she came back with us
13 ‘ If I had done all six , my new film would have got in the way and I never would have wanted to hold the Darling Buds cast up .
14 But more striking still is his ability to make the voice switch from aria to narration , at almost any moment , in such a way that we hardly notice it , because the orchestra takes over the melody from the singer .
15 It would begin to make industries accountable to consumers in a way that they patently are not at present ; the newly enfranchised shareholders would have the right to participate in elections to the board .
16 It was just enough time , however , for Bill to perform in a way that he usually ( being then only a puppy ) performed on the kitchen floor .
17 The problem.solving framework , in contrast , ensures that the information that emerges regarding a specific pupil 's difficulty in its context is generated in such a way that it also helps teachers in general — whether or not they know the pupil under discussion — to learn to ask themselves the kinds of questions that are helpful whenever problems arise in any pupil 's learning situation .
18 Leaving aside the question of how such a perfect and whole symbiotic relationship could have ever evolved , Darwinian-style and piecemeal , out of ‘ random fluctuations in the DNA of wasp and orchid ’ , we are left with the interesting observation that the mind structure , or instinct , of the wasp is organized in such a way that it instinctively seeks this particular shape , for the purposes of fulfilling its urge to mate .
19 They describe it in such a way that it finally appears as it is , that is to say intolerable . "
20 The timing is quite nice really and deliberately so in that this will be the follow up to that in a way and it also follows the earlier conference , as you 've heard .
21 Even though objectively , he had all the strength on his side , and if he 'd only stubbornly insisted , the allies would have had to accept the fourteen points , because there was no way that they just did n't have any erm , any clout really when when finally settled in peace .
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