Example sentences of "[art] first time [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I was in touch several times by telephone , and I remember noticing for the first time a slight labouring for breath on his part , which was to become increasingly marked .
2 It is true , however , that taken as a whole , the 1947 Act created for the first time a comprehensive framework for planning and thereby laid the groundwork for a permanent and highly significant change in the public attitude to private property and its use and development .
3 For the first time a comprehensive colour guide draws together all eight Shetland monuments in Historic Scotland 's care .
4 For the first time a civil servant , perforce , began to affect what happened .
5 The second norwegian half was bloody excellent from Norway and for the first time a norwegian team wins a away in eastern Europe .
6 The new fact in the world 's history is that for the first time a great power with a formidable Navy , a population from which vast armies might be raised , and an economic and financial strength which might alone be decisive in any future conflict , is prepared to stake its own peace , not merely to guarantee its own interests , nor to further the partisan aims of its allies , but to make an end in the world of the possibility of prosperous aggression … . beyond the American continent her only interests are the open door to trade , freedom of the seas , and the maintenance of peace .
7 For the first time a wide range dose response relationship for the trophic effect of gastrin on the enterochromaffin like cells of the rat stomach has been established .
8 Her heart still pounding nineteen to the dozen , she looked over towards the window , seeing for the first time a familiar , powerfully-built figure standing there .
9 Industrialization created for the first time a new political force in the mass of factory workers .
10 Although the accommodation remained spartan with bunk beds arranged in segregated dormitories , nevertheless , at a cost fixed at 1/ per night plus a shilling for breakfast , extended holidays in the countryside became for the first time a practical possibility for thousands previously denied them .
11 For the first time a non-aligned state provided not only support for Soviet warships on a commercial basis but did so without in the process tarnishing its non-aligned credentials .
12 While this as such simply acknowledges the situation as it is and is followed by a far longer passage relating to the benefits of celibacy for the Western rite , it remains a highly important text because it is the first time a Roman Council or any major Roman document has explicitly accepted and recommended the uniting of priesthood and marriage in a single life .
13 It marked the dedication of a new city church … but it was also the first time a Roman Catholic cardinal had preached before the Monarch since the time of Henry The Eighth .
14 The force expanded , working conditions improved , and for the first time a limited capacity for detection was developed .
15 In 1975 , women with husbands in social class V gave birth for the first time a mere nine months after marriage , as at most times in the past .
16 Christine looked across and for the first time a defensive flabbiness crawled across her face .
17 For the first time a live televised debate between the two ‘ finalists ’ was held .
18 Alongside this flourishing of national cultures , for the first time a real international economic division of labour would emerge , covering multinational economic regions in which each nation would play a specialized role for all other :
19 This carefully documented book makes known for the first time a major work executed by Bakst at the end of his life : his seven scenes from the ‘ The Sleeping Beauty ’ , a tale which fascinated him throughout his career .
20 Using the 100-inch telescope on Mount Wilson , in 1923 Hubble identified for the first time a cepheid variable star in a spiral ‘ nebula ’ ( M 31 in Andromeda ) , and proceeded in the next few years to make similar discoveries in several other such ‘ nebulae ’ .
21 It was the first time a hurdling dog had broken a flat record but trainer Paddy Hancox was not surprised .
22 Under this legislation , for the first time a married woman who paid full contributions became entitled to unemployment and sickness benefits at the same rate as her single sister .
23 The White Paper also recognized publicly for the first time a stark fact that was becoming increasingly obvious : that with the steep decline in the birth rate the number of teachers in training would have to be sharply reduced to avoid a gross overproduction of teachers .
24 On the one hand this expansion offered for the first time a substantial number of teaching posts which together formed a fully-integrated career structure , and on the other it considerably lessened the security of both the " historical " and " critical " paradigms for which Bateson had been at such pains to seek some form of mutual accommodation .
25 In that year Coenwulf allowed himself the luxury of the elaborate royal style rector et imperator Merciorum regni ( CS 289 : S 153 ) , ‘ the first time a western ruler had called himself ‘ emperor ’ in an official record since the Roman Empire ’ .
26 It was the first time a traditional bank had diversified into the instalment finance business .
27 If he wins , it will be the first time a black person has been elected to a US state governorship .
28 If confirmed , it will be the first time a black person has been elected to a US state governorship .
29 This is the first time a Black Ark has ever been sunk and marks the beginning of the High Elves ' naval ascendancy over their dark kindred .
30 The Senate included for the first time a black woman and a native American ( Ben Campbell in Colorado ) .
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