Example sentences of "[art] end of that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I realized he could not catch them , because they had nearly got to the ship , but I did not wait to see the end of that adventure .
2 You and the management will agree that you 're coming to the end of that assignment and you get you get a new one .
3 That was the end of that Sea Fury .
4 Employees with school-age children were allowed to buy property in the new area but not move until the end of that school year .
5 But we are nearin' the end of that road , my friend .
6 ‘ But some have difficulty reachin' the end of that road , Myles , ’ he went on .
7 But John said , when she 's stupid enough to be trying to sell that house and who 'd buy that thing , stuck up the end of that road ?
8 The barbarians did not arrive in his lifetime , but there is no doubt that Eliot was aware that he was witnessing the end of that culture which , more than thirty years before , he had travelled to Europe to find .
9 If you reduced the spacing you could probably even fit the end of that song on .
10 Imagine what those bitches might put on the end of that piston rod in place of a dildo , what agonising liquid they could have squirted into you by that pressure pump .
11 Erm I 'm not at all certain quite er what will come out of that policy and what savings there will be at the end of that exercise .
12 But since the end of that relationship , I have just been very clear — or attempted to be — about what I am going to do sexually and what I am not .
13 I then told him how old I was , and he thought I was older than I was , so that was the end of that relationship .
14 In many countries this process had a cumulative impact throughout the 1970s so that by the end of that decade the difference between the price paid to farmers for a crop and the price charged to distributors was highly inequitable .
15 It is fairly well known that Martin bought the Swedish Levin Guitar factory in the 1970s and that Levin had ceased trading by the end of that decade .
16 Even the USA , which in the 1980s still seemed sufficiently vast and dominant to deal with its economic problems without taking any notice of anyone else , at the end of that decade became aware that it ‘ had ceded considerable control over its economy to foreign investors … ( who ) now hold the power to help keep the US economy growing , or to help plunge it into recession ’ ( The Wall Street Journal , December 5 , 1988 , p1 ) .
17 While In 1960 Cambridge English had been still in the process of accommodating traditional canonical scholarship to the revisions of the new criticism , by the end of that decade this process had been displaced in the name of a pluralism of approaches .
18 By the end of that decade , it promised , the strongest and richest capitalist country , the USA , would be overtaken in total production ; by the end of the 1970s a state of abundance would be created and a communist society ‘ in the main' would be constructed , to be ‘ fully completed ’ over the following period .
19 Coxe acquired the title in the 1690s , and at the end of that decade he attempted to orchestrate settlement in the area in opposition to the parallel activities of the French .
20 And I turned over and I just caught the end of that film .
21 Things have now finally reached the point which our Führer at the outbreak of this struggle prophesied to world Jewry in his great speech : ‘ … should Jewry once more succeed in again plunging the nations into a new world war , it would be the end of that race , and not ours . ’
22 ’ That was the end of that skirmish , but war has undoubtedly been declared .
23 Every gun in Famagusta is trained on the end of that trench , and Genoese archers are among the best in the world .
24 At the end of that 12-month period , a recruit qualifies as a Senior Aircraftman or woman ( SAC acting corporal ) , before earning the rank of Substantive Corporal , which is when the recruit is eligible for a specialisation course .
25 But certainly at the moment , erm and at least until presumably the next general election , erm nobody can see much light at the end of that tunnel .
26 I know about this bit from a telephone call from John — and I can still remember the click as the line went dead at the end of that conversation .
27 Oh , that 's the end of that conversation !
28 Since the stock market crash at the end of that year , policy has however been dogged by an excessive fear of recession , and it would have compounded this mistake to have failed to raise British base rates to 15 per cent this week .
29 At the end of that year the formula changed and the V16 's time had passed .
30 He was written about enthusiastically in the New York Times , offered a recording contract by CBS Records , and by the end of that year was cutting his first album .
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