Example sentences of "[art] fact [that] i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 When we were shown into the chargé 's office , I studiously avoided shaking hands or having any eye contact , determined to alert him to the fact that I understood and respected their religious customs , in the hope that it might make a difference .
2 The essential difference between Sam and me was the fact that I took life seriously .
3 The fact that I had so little self-control seemed to be irritating him ever so slightly .
4 This was despite the fact that I had already visited the Algerian Embassy to no effect after writing thirteen times .
5 Having felt pain , I knew I was not dreaming , and I wondered if I had gone mad , though the fact that I had hallucinated , and had shown myself to have such a naive view of God , would be sufficient proof for some .
6 The fact that I had an admirer in Thomas 's wife just made matters worse .
7 My clever chat would avail me nothing in the face of the fact that I had chosen to ally myself with a woman who practically peed her pants at some salesman 's blue jokes .
8 The fact that I had not done so put me too high for the first available field , but with insufficient height for the next one .
9 The very existence of the flood — the fact that I had invited it into my awareness — showed that I had emotional ‘ work ’ to do .
10 I was also delighted that at last there had been an acknowledgement of the fact that I had a role in what was happening rather than being seen as a bystander in an event that would , all being well , change our lives beyond recognition .
11 It was jealousy , I suppose ; the fact that I had spotted a chance they had not , although I could n't get over the suspicion that their reaction to me had something to do with how Liza had told the story .
12 The fact that I had never seen my aunt looking so elegant added to my impression that I was imagining this .
13 She resented the fact that I had children of my own and that I was n't as desperate to have them as she was .
14 However , despite the fact that I had to pay for the survey , the society will not allow me to have a copy of the report .
15 If I wanted to , I could change my name regardless of the fact that I had not committed any crime .
16 Well I suppose at the , one of the best things , best examples of the difference was that my wife when she saw this house , knew that it was a house in which she could be happy , in which her tastes and , could spread themselves , erm rather than her tastes having to be curtailed by lack of space and lack of accommodation , erm , the fact that I had a garage which was essential er next to my house instead of some er quarter or twenty minutes ' walk away from where I lived as happened in London also made a terrific difference to comfort , erm the fact that there was a garden instead of a few windowboxes and a couple of tubs , all these things I think made one appreciate the fact that you 'd come , not only into a new town , but into a new way of life probably the fact that we had a staircase inside the house , which was the first time that we 'd had a staircase between our bedrooms and our living rooms
17 He was overlooking the fact that I had been living with Jean-Claude for more than three years .
18 I would say the thing that kept me sane during that period was the fact that I had a part time job , and erm we were able to pay for some home help .
19 I was not in the least keen , but when it became clear to me that my intervention would be frowned upon only slightly by my television clients , added to the fact that I had established good relations with George Elvin , the ACTT 's general secretary , it seemed to me that there might be some sense in intervening .
20 The fact that I had people to speak for me at the trial and that I was doing community work did n't appear to mean much to them .
21 My doctor had also prepared a report for the judge , about various medical problems which I hoped might be taken into consideration , along with the fact that I had for some time been re-building my life and now had very little to do with the lifestyle that brought me into contact with drugs .
22 One of the biggest challenges was the fact that I had to work quite direct , once the colour was put on it was incredibly difficult to lift off completely and so I could afford to make very few mistakes .
23 My conviction on this count was based on the fact that I had researched this area very well and knew that there was nothing on record .
24 Spoiled by the fact that I had always been treated with respect because I was a veterinary surgeon , a member of an honourable profession .
25 The fact that I had adopted an alternative approach via traditional Chinese medicine was brushed aside as irrelevant .
26 The fact that I had failed to find any companions did n't help my cause very much .
27 Benjamin , however , squeezed me by the wrist and I followed him , taking some consolation in the fact that I had hidden two knives , three spoons and a small silver plate used for sweetmeats inside my jerkin .
28 He said I was just covering up for the fact that I had n't the faintest idea of what was wrong . ’
29 Despite the fact that I succumbed to a mild form of food-poisoning through eating at the cheapest restaurants — a meal could he obtained for ten ( old ) francs or less , but less meant the more chance of prostration — I have never known Paris so surpassingly beautiful as that year .
30 Perhaps the strange lack of concern in ‘ A ’ Squadron 's diary and reports , and the fact that I heard so little from the regiment subsequently , may reflect a suspicion ( or knowledge ) on their part .
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