Example sentences of "[art] more than [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The sun was shining at two thousand feet , but it did no more than lacquer the fog .
2 Many of these insect-feeding birds have a line of bristles around their beaks which at one time were thought to channel weakly-flying insects into the open beak but now it seems more likely that they do no more than protect the birds ' eyes as they deliberately plunge through clouds of insects .
3 On television that evening Mobutu said that the conference could do no more than write the new constitution , and could not adopt it .
4 Fraud by itself may do no more than make the contract voidable .
5 The likely result is that this wording does no more than track the law as laid down in Jones v Sherwood Computer Services plc [ 1991 ] NPC 60 : see 13.6 .
6 The enthusiasm of the sixties ( it was not just naivety ) would have held that education should lead the whole process , while the cynicism of the seventies and eighties would have us believe that education , that is schools at any rate , can do no more than mirror the society of which they are part .
7 These words , however , as counsel for the respondent correctly pointed out , do no more than indicate the circumstances in which consent may be negatived .
8 The summary of the Webbs ' view is that , by contrast with their model of Socialism , Owen 's scheme — if it could have been carried out — would have done no more than redistribute the capital of the country without altering or superseding the capitalist system in the least .
9 True , this remedy contains more than an element of ‘ big brother ’ and it may be that it does no more than turn the criminals away from the areas covered by the cameras ' eyes .
10 I can do no more than endorse the statement made by the proposer and would just like to formally second the proposal resolution number two .
11 In many respects cities do no more than reflect the wider processes that prevail within society as a whole .
12 To a degree this is true , but business relationships do no more than reflect the formality of relationships generally .
13 Did it do no more than keep a subsistence economy running ?
14 Improving village schooling may , however , have done no more than keep the total proportion of Kent 's children receiving schooling constant , for there is also evidence of a deteriorating situation in some of the towns .
15 Logical processing can do no more than service the perceptions we start out with .
16 That Sirteco was obliged to do no more than inform the foreign commerce ministry that the waste disposal contract had been paid for illustrates the failure of the Italian government to monitor the international activities of waste disposal companies .
17 You will realise that words of comfort like this can solve no problems for her ; they can do no more than bathe the wound she has sustained , but she will be badly in need of something to cling on to and because they are spoken by someone who loves her they may be exactly what she wants to hear when she is trying to reassemble herself and face the future .
18 It is clear , furthermore , that Categories 1 and 2 do not impose an evidential burden on the defendant as far as the consent issue is concerned , for generally speaking , where the defence seeks to do no more than deny the prosecution 's assertion , it is entitled to have its claims placed before the jury .
19 Arguably , the defence has no evidential burden to discharge in this situation , for , since the defence is seeking to do no more than deny the basic elements of the prosecution 's case , any assertion of consent by the defence should be placed before the jury .
20 You may also find icons which do no more than invoke an error message because the associated program or file has been erased from the harddisk .
21 It was an old story , and Nicholas did no more than pull a molasses-type face .
22 This is the real point which lies at the heart of the present appeal ; in a sense , everything which I have said so far has done no more than set the stage for its consideration .
23 Most simply give themselves up , and , in the case of those who have done no more than poach the odd buck for a little bushmeat , are often let off with a caution .
24 He did no more than raise an eyebrow .
25 Designed to nip in the bud any incipient growth in villages , it was successful , so far as the city was concerned , probably because it did no more than sanction the existing situation , even though in the fifteenth century the trade had flourished at Hartlebury , which remained an important centre of the specialised craft of fulling .
26 The road to Rimini by-passed the town and in a few moments they were out in the wilds again , labouring up a steep , tortuous medieval track on which modern civilization had done no more than slap a layer of asphalt and a road number .
27 So far , research into psychoneuroimmunology has done no more than scratch the surface of this potentially important topic .
28 Education must be an adjunct to rather than a substitute for psychotherapy , but it is worthwhile if it does no more than alert the patient to the dangers of behaviours such as laxative misuse .
29 However , they can do no more than recommend the best of the available options and even in expert hands the treatment of anorexia nervous must still be considered unsatisfactory .
30 She had time to do no more than read the names on the other four sheets .
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