Example sentences of "[art] child [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Custodianship with foster parents or relatives with whom the child is already living .
2 While the personality is forming , until the age of seven or eight or so , the child is closely identified with its mother , or whoever is the mother figure in the child 's life .
3 The child is best motivated when following his own interests .
4 Activity time-out : the child is simply barred from joining in an enjoyable activity , but still allowed to observe it — for example , having disrupted a board game , she is made to sit out of the game .
5 538 , 1891 ) or by the father of an illegitimate child to pay the mother an allowance if she proves to him that the child is well looked after and happy ( below , p. 224 ) .
6 In learning to communicate , therefore , the child is also learning to represent experience and , most importantly , learning to think .
7 If the child is also refusing food , the problem could have developed with the parent 's trying to distract the child during feeding .
8 This looks as if the intervention is effective but it may be that the child is just responding to rewards rather than learning new behaviour .
9 The child is even taught , unconsciously , to disbelieve the evidence of his natural perceptions until , as an adult , he fails to notice the emotional and mental life even of his own close family .
10 The child is probably trying to write down a suitable looking word , and has n't said to himself the actual word he has written down .
11 The inescapable conclusion is that a parent who has no love for the child is greatly handicapped in the task of undertaking its rearing .
12 The error certainly blocks any subsequent attempt to construct a meaningful sequence , especially since the child is totally defeated by ‘ ruins ’ .
13 Here the child is typically presented with various materials and asked various questions by an adult .
14 Since for each item there is a 50 per cent chance of a correct response simply by guessing , children with scores of 8 or less on any set are regarded as in need of retesting , while very low scores ( 0–1 ) indicate that the child is systematically misunderstanding the meanings to be derived from word order .
15 The child is then required to retell the story , using the pictures as a guideline , in the expectation that the child will repeat the key words which contain the target phonemes .
16 The baptism of the child is directly related to the faith of the parents .
17 While it may be possible to say , on the basis of a diagnosis , that a child will continue to experience considerable difficulties with various aspects of language , it remains true that the course and speed of language development will depend , to a great extent , upon the kinds of experience to which the child is subsequently exposed .
18 Age Clearly the age of the child is highly associated with the occurrence of bedwetting .
19 Similarly when children have been ill , parental expectations of their behaviour changes , and sometimes it is difficult to re-establish previous patterns of sleep and feeding when a parent is unsure whether the child is fully recovered .
20 In the second -overlapping the first - are those in which the child is adversely affected and in which child problems exist which need to be worked through , preferably with direct help .
21 Seclusion time-out : the child is socially isolated in the hall or another room .
22 There needs to be a sequential strategy in which the mother makes sure that the child is correctly oriented .
23 But if the child is never born alive , things will remain as if it had never existed .
24 He asks something which , you know , I mean the way they do , what is life , and you would n't know — unless you 're perhaps trained or awake to the significance of what the child is actually asking — you would n't know how to respond to that , so you tend to put it off .
25 He asks something which , you know , I mean the way they do , what is life , and you would n't know — unless you 're perhaps trained or awake to the significance of what the child is actually asking — you would n't know how to respond to that , so you tend to put it off .
26 Save the Children is totally committed to being wherever children need us .
27 ( ii ) When notified by a local education authority that a child is persistently failing to comply with directions given under an education supervision order ( Sched 3 , para 19(2) ) .
28 A child is duly conceived , but before ever it is born , there is a breakdown of relationships between Sarah and Hagar , and Hagar has to flee into the desert .
29 As well as accepting the role of motherhood , a woman who has a child is also faced with the need to accept facts about time , and ageing .
30 A child is also conditioned by anything he hears constantly .
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