Example sentences of "[art] way [prep] [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The ways of using feminine light are beautifully described by Robert A. Johnson in his book , She — Understanding Feminine Psychology .
2 One of the ways of understanding long-gone societies is to look at their cultural artifacts .
3 Pain and its Conquest concentrates on perception cognition and emotion , and the ways of manipulating these by verbal and intellectual means rather than concentrating on the more traditional methods of control by cutting , by blocking or the more recent manipulating of existing control systems by chemical or electrical stimulation .
4 Erm , if we are asking Mr to look at the long-term viability and the ways of preserving that , those options may be other than option one which was what you moved , and I think it 's rather premature to actually go down a road that says we preserve it in it 's present form with some disposals , when , we are asking for a report for it 's future viability , which may mean complete disposal , or may not , and I think , that , that 's why I 've seconded Mr 's amendment , because it 's right we should wait for that that report to come to property , know the full facts , and then we can make a decision as to which option we want for the County Farms estate .
5 The ways of doing this vary and it depends on your personal skills .
6 Some of the ways of doing this are more effective , and create less toxic waste , than others , but many of them share a concern with maintenance at the cost of growth .
7 And , even if it were just an American issue , how can one claim to represent American art properly in the period when women 's work often led the way without including some of the artists I 've mentioned .
8 The theories and models considered , whilst by no means presenting clear answers , do go some of the way towards exploring that realm full of complexity and uncertainty with which this chapter began .
9 The creative use of existing clubs and leisure facilities could go much of the way to addressing this concern .
10 Its advantage was that it worked , in that it gave some hope of understanding why chemical compounds behave as they do ; and it did open the way to symbolizing chemical reactions .
11 This year they 're well on the way to achieving that aim .
12 It is the Government 's view that if we can implement the package of energy efficiency measures , not least through , for example , the home energy efficiency scheme , additional resources for the energy management assistance scheme , the best practice programme and our regional and publicity activities , we shall be well on the way to achieving significant additional savings .
13 By getting the right advice from the right people , C&P is on the way to achieving objective number one .
14 But he did confirm that he was ‘ 95 per cent ’ of the way to reaching final agreement with an unnamed challenger .
15 He won an Allstar last year and is well on the way to repeating this achievement .
16 10–20 Yes answers You are well on the way to developing that winning attitude .
17 I did not think of myself as a racist but my experience of working in Ghana was making me irritable and critical , the first step on the way to making racist judgments .
18 The Community is now on the way to solving these problems on the following lines .
19 It was good enough however to set her on the way to winning vital experience — and other roles soon followed .
20 There are times when the word unbelief is used to describe the doubts of those who are definitely believers but only when they are at a stage of doubting which is rationally inexcusable and well on the way to becoming fullgrown unbelief .
21 Oldknow seems to have had in mind a great combined enterprise , with 1,000 factory workers and 1,000 weavers , and was on the way to becoming one of England 's greatest cotton lords , to rank with the Peels , Arkwrights , and Strutts .
22 The Free French group , however , had been making excellent progress and were well on the way to becoming operational .
23 By 1983 , he was in charge of the Scotland B team and on the way to forging that illustrious partnership with Jim Telfer which brought a second Grand Slam in 1990 even sweeter than the French game which settled the first six years before .
24 Lemma 1.3.9 raises , and the remarks following it answer , an obvious question , namely : Is the way of expressing any integer ( other than -1 , 0 and 1 ) as a product of irreducibles unique ?
25 They had ‘ got into the way of singing this song ’ , he explained , and it was ‘ by degrees that he hopes to break down this habit ’ .
26 It was only the thought of this poor baby in me that made me stir at all and get myself to a friend of Ferdinando 's who is in the way of knowing all the business of the street being a wine-merchant and visited by all .
27 In 1922 , Collins promised on behalf of the Labour Party that ‘ all that can be done under the Maternity and Child Welfare Acts in the way of helping necessitous , and expectant and nursing mothers , and caring for young children would have our support ’ ( Election leaflet 1922 ) .
28 I could however moan on about the likelihood of anyone ever wanting to listen to this collection straight through at one sitting , or that Miss Battle could have done rather more in the way of characterising each aria ( and her diction is also hardly crystal clear ) .
29 There were , and still are of course , immense difficulties in the way of quantifying human phenomena , some of which we shall touch on later .
30 There are no obstacles put in the way of producing Olympic athletes .
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