Example sentences of "[art] [adj -est] thing that have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think this is the nicest thing that 's happened to me in England , ’ said Julia with real contentment .
2 Meeting Arnold Palmer has been the greatest thing that has happened to me .
3 Just the chance to transcribe the manuscripts was the most fantastic luck , the greatest thing that 's ever happened to me .
4 This was the strangest thing that had ever happened to her ; he had hurt her at the beginning , but now that was gone .
5 He said : ‘ It is the worst thing that has happened in my life .
6 This is certainly the worst thing that has happened to me ever .
7 He said : ‘ It was the worst thing that 's ever happened to me in my whole life .
8 This is the worst thing that 's happened to me in all my life ! ’
9 He 's That One , Mr Body Beautiful , I do n't think , and the worst thing that 's ever happened in Jan 's family since her own husband .
10 It 's the worst thing that 's ever come from any political Party and all associated problems live on , and all we have at the moment is one statement after the other from the Ministers which blame the very people that it attacks .
11 ‘ It was one of the best things that 's ever happened . ’
12 They did n't come haring towards them as if the mere sight of them was the best thing that had happened all day .
13 People come up to them daily and thank them for helping with ‘ the best thing that 's happened to the valley in decades . ’
14 Tamara 's the best thing that 's happened to me .
15 Not fool enough to stand aside and watch the best thing that 's ever happened to me wither away because I 'm too scared to let it put down roots .
16 I mean in a way I think it 's probably the best thing that 's happened to me for a while cos I could see myself see the thing is I can I was n't ever planning to be here for even six months .
17 Basically what I , I think the best thing that 's happened to Oxford United this season , well there are two ; the signing of Andy Melville at the back and Jim Magilton , a very young man , but he 's got the balance , he can add the poise , and I feel he 's going to help Oxford .
18 Deep down , he is convinced that he is the best thing that has happened to his country since the invention of goulash .
19 Graphical User Interfaces are the best thing that has happened to computers .
20 ‘ It is the best thing that has happened to train services on Teesside for very many years , ’ he said .
21 ‘ It is the best thing that has happened to train services on Teesside for years , ’ he said .
22 ‘ I think that 's the kindest thing that 's been said to me for ages , Ben dear .
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