Example sentences of "[art] [det] people [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Wartime controls , though necessary , might , he thought , give rise to a whole new set of abuses , because it was always his view that the more you imposed restrictions , the more people would think up ingenious ways of eluding them .
2 It follows that the higher the prevailing rate of interest , the more people will anticipate that the next change will be downwards .
3 The more common it is , the more people will know of others who have been divorced and they are correspondingly less likely to condemn this action .
4 ‘ There 's no reason why the same people should do all the shit work , is there ?
5 Repeatedly interviewing the same people can sensitise them to the research , and this may have unknown effects on their responses .
6 Smith says the message from Soviet data is that one year is the most people can take .
7 A few people would lose their hands to begin with — but very soon we would be able to cut down the size of our police forces by at least 50 per cent .
8 There would be a lot of damage and a few people would get hurt , but the lads would be away by the time the police could get round to the place .
9 Indeed , the mystics played an extremely important part in each one of these three monotheistic religions , even though only a few people could undertake the mystical life .
10 Only a few people can train themselves to get beyond them . ’
11 Only a few people can keep up with the rapidly advancing frontier of knowledge , and they have to devote their whole time to it and specialize in a small area .
12 Although the whole population can not squeeze into Hyde Park , quite a few people can enjoy its amenities without spoiling the enjoyment of others .
13 Let's assume they 're all self sufficient , the world market essentially becomes a residual market , it 's not the market place where everyone goes any longer , it 's the market where just a few people will go .
14 ‘ I think quite a few people will vote the same as their parents and this is Hummersknott , ’ she said .
15 Er most people , well quite a few people will have an endowment mortgage , is that right ?
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