Example sentences of "[art] [det] [conj] in the " in BNC.

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1 There may be more scope for a GIS approach in the latter than in the former situations .
2 Those with a clear commitment to serve the whole community opted , at least theoretically , for the latter and in the early eighties a token lesbian was worth her weight in gold as a range of groups struggled to maintain a semblance of political balance .
3 The review of the Art department met Objectives 1 , 3 , 4 and 7 ( Document 1 ) in the latter and in the spirit for the pupils , with the exception of the questionable assumption that the interests of the majority were best served by what best served the interests of pupils following ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ Level courses :
4 In Chapters 10-12 we examine the latter and in the next four chapters the former .
5 But we need to get our moral thinking clear on this matter all the more because in the first stages of unbridled conflict both sides seem to be suggesting that there really was no moral problem at all because the principle that they were obsessed with was the only one that mattered .
6 Such evidence might be taken to show a much less intense use of coinage in the former than in the latter , a view which could be supported by the calculations based on the material from Bath that very little coinage was available in circulation per capita of the population of Roman Britain ( see p. 47 ) .
7 This means that there will be brain systems present in both rats and humans that can be just as easily studied in the former as in the latter .
8 The rules for the cameras in committees are essentially the same as in the House , except that it is recognised that it is not possible to exclude shots showing the public , especially those sitting behind the witnesses in a select committee .
9 But as I said , I 've decided that human beings adjust themselves to any environment to which there is no alternative , and human life in here is the same as in the world outside , for which also there is no alternative .
10 Once again , the strength of the relationship between job and absenteeism would remain the same as in the bivariate case .
11 If there were no genetic susceptibility then the incidence of schizophrenia in the second twin would be expected to be the same as in the general population .
12 The subsequent stages are again the same as in the case of Government Bills except that there is a special standing committee for Private Members ' Bills .
13 The Sun , whose pro-nationalist propaganda was intelligently put over — in comparison with the sub-literate coverage of the Daily Record — quickstepped back into line with its main headline ( the same as in the south ) on polling day .
14 The training goals here are the same as in the previous schedule , with the difference that the muscles are being re-educated to the different rhythm of track running .
15 If the year end , loan interest rate and start date are the same as in the previous example , and assuming that the rate is 33% and the cash flow benefit arising from tax deductions occurs 21 months after interest payment , D at is 9.712% .
16 Higher-order visual areas are also present in the rat , but it is unclear whether their organization is the same as in the monkey ( Espinoza and Thomas 1983 ) .
17 The share of the electricity supply industry in UK domestic capital formation rose from 7 per cent in 1948 ( about the same as in the 1930s ) to above 8 per cent in the mid-1950s .
18 The position in Wales is almost the same as in the non-metropolitan areas in England .
19 The effect will be the same as in the distribution of a primary surplus : in the simpler system the transfer of a proportion of the available votes , the transfer of all of them at a reduced value if the senatorial rules are used .
20 Thus Scotland and Wales would no longer have more than their fair share , and the average magnitude of their constituencies would be virtually the same as in the English regions .
21 The thrombolysis in myocardial infarction ( TIMI ) reperfusion grades of the infarct related vessel were assessed , i.e. Grade 0 , no flow in the obstructed coronary vessel ; Grade I , a trickle of flow is seen distally , Grade 2 , usually a high grade stenosis remains , but there is significant improvement in the distal flow ; and Grade 3 , where the flow rate distally is the same as in the normal vasculature .
22 The results are very much the same as in the Swedish material , with the exception of ‘ challenge ’ , where no difference was observed .
23 ‘ Again , the ground upon which a contract is voidable for duress is the same as in the case of fraud , and is that , whether it springs from a fear or a belief , the party has been subjected to an improper motive for action .
24 The mathematics is exactly the same as in the electrostatic case ; we need only to replace E0 by H0 and Er by unc in eqn ( 2.110 ) in order to get
25 As long as the total time-varying magnetic flux is enclosed , the line integral unc will remain the same as in the previous example .
26 Essentially , everything is much the same as in the classical template except that in all probability it will be pretty well apparent to the reader quite soon who it is who has committed the murder .
27 The data is the same as in the Freeman Lowell example , that is , S = £58 000 , D = £857 , r = 5% and the no-arbitrage price of the future is £60 000 .
28 The basic method of composition of this painting is the same as in the Cadaquès work , but the subject is made identifiable by the retention or introduction of ‘ keys ’ or ‘ signs ’ within the looser , more generalized , structure of the figure .
29 It also seems fairly certain , from the seismic wave speeds and from the densities based on the polar moment of inertia , that though the outer 300 km or so very probably consist largely of common silicates this detailed composition is not the same as in the Earth 's mantle .
30 The overall order of main classes in the second edition remains essentially the same as in the first edition .
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