Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] as [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This alone would permit the evaluation of UK problems and policies in their international setting and clarify the implications of policy choices at the EEC level for the UK and the rest of the EEC as well as locating options for Europe as a whole in the global context by which it is powerfully influenced and constrained .
2 Scottish gentlemen followed military careers in the service of the United Provinces of the Netherlands as well as in that of their own country , and political influence extended over the North Sea to include the Scots-Dutch regiments .
3 This truth is to be reinterpreted in the light of my principle that art does not derive from a single impulse ( i.e. the Apolline impulse towards beauty ) , but from two : the Dionysiac as well as the Apolline .
4 The US representative to the UN , Thomas Pickering , has stressed that Onuca should deal with the FMLN as well as the US-supported Contras .
5 Further renewals of the Cassell Trustees grant in 1924 , 1927 and 1930 were in recognition of the successful work of Sophie Green , and the influence of Helen Stocks with leading figures of the WEA as well as her indefatigable energy in raising monies among her friends to support the scheme .
6 This leaflet Towards a Brighter Countryside ( which is reproduced as an appendix in this volume ) comprised notes on the objectives and work of the WEA as well as a prospectus of some twenty lectures and short courses .
7 The SLD members claimed the location of the proposed bridge would act as a drain and take employment away from the region to the Lothians as well as creating an ‘ environmental disaster ’ on both sides of the river .
8 Those that hated the familiarity rarely went out and left the States as soon as their initial contract was completed .
9 Although his work may not be rated as true poetry by the purists , no one else has ever caught the spell of the Yukon as well as Robert W. Service .
10 The state formerly reviled for cleaving too closely to Moscow 's line now finds itself berated by the Kremlin as well as the Western world for not following the path of glasnost and perestroika .
11 There are also numerous problems arising out of the broader political situation : as of 1990 these include the possibility of reintegrating all or some of the homelands into a national education system ; the outcome of the bid for national political status by the Natal-based Inkatha movement , with attendant violence which has severely disrupted life in the Transvaal as well as Natal ; and the length of time it takes to dismantle the apartheid system completely .
12 And while he acknowledged the losses of the ‘ cult of personality ’ period , he insisted ( in an address to the French Communist Party ) that ‘ not a year ’ had been lost in the process of socialist construction — in effect a defence of the Brezhnev as well as Stalinist years .
13 Jadeite objects have been recovered over a territory extending from Brittany to the Rhineland as well as over the British Isles as far north as north-east Scotland , far beyond the known sources of the raw material in Piedmont and Switzerland .
14 In the USSR as well as outside it there were those who had an interest in attacking the record of these years ; they included the ‘ spiritual heirs ’ of Menshevism , of Trotsky and of the kulaks .
15 It was to the Carlton as well as the Whip 's Office that Robert Sanders went to hear the news and discuss political events , and it was to the Carlton too that he went for recreation when the business of the House was too tedious to be borne any longer .
16 Drawing on influences from across the Atlantic as well as from fellow grungers back home , the trio have put out some convincingly fresh material , never lacking originality in any of the seven tracks .
17 The size of the quota determines the extent to which a country can draw currencies from the pool held by the IMF as well as each country 's contribution to the pool .
18 The ‘ have nots ’ in the Shankill as well as the ‘ have nots ’ in the Falls must benefit .
19 This was later to be criticised as imposing an unnecessary conservatism on design ( pp. 104–10 , below ) , but at that time ( with shortages of skilled draughtsmen and engineers , and the overriding priority of speeding up the installation of safe and reliable sets ) it was widely supported by the manufacturers and the CEB as well as in Whitehall .
20 Enjoy a fabulous view over the Forth as well as a delicious meal .
21 I 'm going to have a go at the BBC as well as everyone else .
22 Delivery can be arranged throughout the UK as well as overseas .
23 In order to simplify the company 's structure , Donovan said the same product lines would be sold in the UK as well as via the European subsidiaries .
24 This report , together with the minutes and memoranda of evidence , provided a considerable volume of information about the workings of the financial system in the UK as well as some of the views of monetary authorities ( the Bank of England and the Treasury ) as to how the system might be regulated .
25 In the UK as well as abroad , vendettas between dealers are rife .
26 Although this summary was only offered in the context of the C. and A.G. , it is a good general summary of the audit of government and local government in the UK as well as the USA.2 In the USA , this audit is often called the ‘ expanded scope audit ’ , to emphasize the nature of the difference between it and the statutory commercial audit ; in Canada , the term is ‘ comprehensive auditing ’ .
27 This conference was attended by major companies throughout the UK as well as by key figures from politics and the media .
28 Bufi 's " government of national stability " was announced on June 12 , including PLA members but incorporating for the first time the DP as well as the Republican Party , the Social Democratic Party and the Agrarian Party ; nine members were non-party .
29 Oral tradition affirms that the Camerons as well as the Stewarts of Appin were actively countenancing two , if not three , attempts on Glenure 's life on 14 May 1752 , the day on which he was shot in the back by a killer who escaped unrecognized .
30 Such measures could lead to more sales of euroissues in the US as well as enabling issuance to take place there .
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