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1 The new measures provided for ( i ) the lifting of the 150-mile exclusion zone around the Falkland Islands and its replacement on March 31 , 1990 , by mutually agreed security arrangements ( backed up by a direct radio " hotline " between the commander of the Falklands garrison and Argentina 's military high command ) giving each country advance warning of the military manoeuvres of the other , and allowing Argentinian warships and aircraft to come within 50 miles and 70 miles respectively of the Falklands without prior permission ; ( ii ) co-operation on air and sea rescue , safety procedures and air and maritime navigation ; ( iii ) an investment promotion and protection pact to encourage investment in the Falklands , and negotiations on possible Anglo-Argentinian investment promotion and protection agreements ; ( iv ) shared information on fishing in the South Atlantic , although a 150-mile conservation zone around the Falklands would be maintained , within which Argentinian vessels were denied the right to fish [ see p. 37001 ] ; ( v ) a working group on South Atlantic affairs and arrangements for further talks to improve contacts between the mainland and the Falklands ; ( vi ) visits by Argentinian relatives to Falkland war graves by arrangement with the International Red Cross ; ( vii ) co-operation on environmental protection ; and ( viii ) co-operation against drug trafficking .
2 We helped each other with homework and went together to the Giardino Pubblico when we finished lessons early .
3 My parents went to visit the Rajput States while we boys continued to go for rides in the mornings and picnics in the afternoons .
4 The Soviet Union has concentrated its attacks on American military bases located in the Indian Ocean and its littoral states .
5 Only facility IN answer to the letter from F. Kid ( May 26 ) regarding the closure of the William Roberts Centre , Norris Green , the people of this area are intent on fighting for the William Roberts because it is the only recreational facility that the area has .
6 Have n't you got him back yet ? did you say he was last heard of on the Silk Road and he should have been in Caledonia. ? oh dear ! and Boudicca 's got his legs ready .
7 This road , known as the Coal Road because it was used for the transport of coal from long-abandoned pits , discloses an aerial view of the hidden valley of Grisedale across the gulf of Garsdale .
8 Waters were also rising in the Norfolk Broads and there were reports of some minor flooding as far inland as Norwich , which is 20 miles from the coast .
9 So it made the Stenness Loch polluted for the as pollution comes in the Stenness Loch and it f spoilt the fishing here .
10 Those who answered his call became known as the Reaver Knights because they were forced to live off the land as they galloped back and forth across Ulthuan .
11 Her humanity was something useless to her , something that came from the Denver NoGo and which should have died in Spanish Fork with Andrew Jean and the others .
12 The Indus River dolphin is found only in the Indus River and its tributaries in Pakistan , and was once widespread throughout the 3200 kilometre ( 2000-mile ) river system .
13 In Pakistan , salinisation and waterlogging are particularly acute in the Indus Valley where irrigation has been practised since 5 kyr BP ; currently some 15 x 10 6 ha are irrigated by a system that includes the Indus River and its tributaries , 3 storage reservoirs , 19 barrages , 43 canals and 90 000 watercourse systems ( Shanan 1987 ) .
14 Jenny had digs on the Iffley Road and I was going there to see her , to tell her , to break it to her , to break her fragile , trusting heart .
15 We needed the Terry Butchers and the Richard Goughs and we are still reaping the rewards of his signings now .
16 Lost on their way , they had been rescued from a Chaos attack by the Treeman Oakheart and his people .
17 When she told him she had no intention of coming back and working for him , that her mind was made up and she would be staying with the Miss Cardings until she found other employment , he had became almost pathetic in his pleading : he could n't do without her .
18 The destruction of the Ealdorman Brihtnoth and his followers by the Danish invaders of England in 991 was the occasion for the poem on the Battle of Maldon , which is firmly in the tradition of the German heroic lay : it records and assumes the overriding virtue of loyalty between a lord and his followers .
19 Howard , a day 's march behind them , dispatched forty-three troopers under Lieutenant G. Bacon east to Targhee Pass to intercept the Nez Perce if they turned north for the Crow country .
20 She tried to remember the Hudson River as she had travelled down it by train , and the weather seemed constant although she knew it was n't .
21 Now , he had the Sergeant Major and his sales force to deal in person with small customers like Nina .
22 In times of civil disturbance they were also called upon to help in maintaining the king 's peace , as when in June 1234 the foresters of fee of all the royal forests of England were commanded to aid the sheriffs in arresting the malefactors who were roaming over the countryside as a result of the disturbances created by the Earl Marshal and his adherents .
23 The Earl Siward and his Northumbrian army have crossed the river Tweed .
24 The article also claimed , however , that ’ no one seems yet to believe ’ the Al Fayeds and their financial advisers .
25 I 've been in hurricanes on the Florida Keys and there 's plenty of time to flirt around with fear .
26 They are , Hemingway writes , ‘ doing coolie labor for a top wage of $45 a month and they have been put down on the Florida Keys where they ca n't make trouble .
27 They protested in vain at the invasion of what was to become 3-500,000 Chinese soldiers , stationed on the pretext of ’ liberating ’ Tibet from the ’ Feudal theocracy ’ enstated by the Dalai Lama and his followers .
28 He gives the traditional account of how a merchant ship was pillaged in the Red Sea and its crew and passengers massacred except for two boys who were brought to Ella Amida in Aksum .
29 He disappeared from his yacht off the Canary Islands and his body was sighted in the water the next day .
30 Where doe where do they think they 're going to , the Canary Islands or something ?
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