Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] [conj] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 In fact , he claims that his flyingboat course was his last in the RAF and certainly the most fortuitous for himself and subsequently the RAF .
2 I am entering the RAF and then the Navy because I believe I can contribute something to this country by so doing .
3 It had taken them ages to get back from the Lock and now the evening was drawing in .
4 Well , nearly — it appeared game , set and match to the PFA but either the memory , or the shorthand , of the Football League 's negotiators was faulty because in their letter to clubs , describing what had been agreed , they led them to believe that the second principle had not been conceded .
5 During its lifetime , both in peacetime and war ( e.g. WW II , Korea , the Falklands and latterly the Gulf ) the railway has carried hundreds of thousands of tons of stores and equipments internally for the RAOC for storage and issue , also to the REME at 34 Base Workshop for repair .
6 There was also the undoubted increase in her personal self-confidence and stature as a result of the recapture of the Falklands and then the 1983 and 1987 election victories .
7 The race is held on a Sunday , but people travel to the village on the Saturday or even the Friday .
8 Anjou was once the home of the Plantagenets and today the tomb of Henri II of England , Eleanore of Acquitaine and Richard the Lion Hart can be seen in the magnificent abbey of Fontevraud near the town .
9 Passing new laws was not a common occurrence , and the Commons usually left the conduct of day-to-day policy , especially in foreign affairs , to the King and his council , with complete certainty that this small body was better informed than the Commons or even the average members of the House of Lords .
10 Given a large corpse of anything on the bottom of the Amazon or even the Thames , most fish will ‘ attack ’ and gnaw off the odd bit .
11 The Bandung communiqué had stressed the urgency of an early solution , and strong Afro — Asian support was expressed for the Indonesian case at the UN though eventually the familiar device of a Good Offices Commission was accepted .
12 He had arrived in the late afternoon of a perfect summer 's day , was shortly to go off to the Alps and then the Himalayas and had not touched rock for a couple of years , so the urge for activity was upon him .
13 The Government 's Green Paper on the development of radio proposes the creation of national commercial competition for the BBC and also the creation of a new regulatory body to supervise these developments in commercial and community radio .
14 Progress has been made in providing clearer signposting in the RCJ and also the provision of meeting rooms and additional telephone points within the building .
15 Since boundary changes for the 1983 election , the seat has swung from Labour to the SDP and lastly the Tories .
16 This is particularly true of the value of votes for the smaller parties of the centre — the Liberal Party , the SDP and now the Liberal Democrats ; and of the value of votes for Labour in the South and for the Conservatives in the North and in Scotland .
17 Barlaston could be described as the Gettysburg or even the Stalingrad battle for preservation in England , the place where against overwhelming and continuous odds an outstanding building has been preserved and revived .
18 And there were silver amulets studded with turquoise , bearing the insignia of the Gruagach and also the insignia of Flame 's ancestry .
19 If these forecasts are correct , and they of course ignore the inertia of the system , and the immense social capital invested in cities , then the population and employment changes revealed by this chapter are only the precursors of a massive recolonization of the countryside , not only in the UK but also the USA ( Fisher and Mitchelson , 1981 ) .
20 Jaguar shareholders will be sent details of Ford 's £1.6billion takeover terms in a circular due to be posted today to shareholders in the UK and also the US , where a simultaneous offer is to be made to investors holding Jaguar shares in the form of American Depository Receipts .
21 How those opposing loyalties can be accommodated within new structures involving Northern Ireland , the Republic , the UK and possibly the EC is the big question to be resolved
22 He bluntly rejected not only the demands of the Rada but also the claims of Ukrainian nationalism ( and so contradicted Party Policy : )
23 This percentage is an average across the LEA and so the proportion allocated for individual schools may vary .
24 An important implication of this is that while a particular situation may give rise to various differing , and sometimes conflicting needs ( the needs of teachers , parents , other pupils , the LEA and indeed the LEA 's professional advisers ) , the conceptual focus upon the child encouraged by the Act inhibits the development of a theoretical framework within which the interplay of needs can be examined .
25 I do not remember now how or why I did so , because despite my infatuation I still sometimes thought Dana was a Franco spy , or from the FBI or the CIA or even the CID or the KGB .
26 By Nov. 4 Demirel was reportedly contemplating a temporary alliance to this end , to include not just the SHP but also the Islamic fundamentalist Welfare Party ( RP ) .
27 We waited anxiously as reports came in of 97-mph gales in the Pennines but thankfully the spire remained firm .
28 George Healey was a remarkable man who devoted his whole adult life to the cause of deaf people , both in Liverpool and nationally first through the N.D.D.S. and thence the B.D.D.A. He was born in Gateacre , Liverpool and lost his hearing at the age of three months as a result of brain fever following a fall from the arms of his nurse , although his deafness was not discovered until he was two years old .
29 In response the city 's cannons were trained against the Orcs and soon the rock lobbers were silenced .
30 It has been detected in a dozen systems in the US and yesterday the Swiss government announced that 75 of its computers were infected .
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