Example sentences of "[art] [adv] [pron] [vb past] to " in BNC.

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1 Liza , distraught at the news , came home on compassionate leave , which she spent in such a state of shock and distress that Harriet began to feel that the sooner she returned to her duties the better .
2 The nearest they came to securing the cushion of a two-goal lead came when Rush lobbed the ball into the path of Davenport , who failed to get sufficient power into a shot to beat Walton , who was still deputising for the injured Gunn .
3 But the nearest they came to scoring was in the forty third minute ; Neil Keller in the Rayners Lane goal saving brilliantly from a fifteen yard volley from Martin Shepherd .
4 My new fedora and Hamlet cigar accessories , more fitting to a winning manager than my old tartan pom-pom cap and ounce of Old Holborn , made me unrecognisable to most of the supporters and the nearest I received to a compliment came from a director who suggested I ‘ stick a faggot up my backside and clear off ’ .
5 The nearest I came to fishing was as number three in a racing four on the grubby River Tees , when I joined the Tees Amateur Rowing Club .
6 Er er bank clerks , this was the top half er shop keepers , erm and and and sort of the further you went to they , the better the people came because they were top half I mean I remember Tom Williams the professional golfer , he lived up there .
7 The more video recordings we collected , the more we talked to hearing professionals , the greater appeared the gulf between what hearing people told us about deaf signing and what deaf people were actually doing .
8 The more she tried to be that person the more I lost my sense of who I 'd fallen for in the first place .
9 The more she saw of Felipe , the more she wanted to be near him .
10 The more time she spent with Miguel Rafaelo , the more she wanted to .
11 And the more he succumbed to the allure of his own Führer cult and came to believe in his own myth , the more his judgement became impaired by faith in his own infallibility , losing his grip on what could and could not be achieved solely through the strength of his ‘ will ’ .
12 It was as if the more extreme and indefensible the moral expressions of Nazism , the more he thrilled to its rhythms of infamy .
13 But the more the revival got under way , the more it responded to Rome 's own ethos , the less accommodating it was in regard to the values of either Protestantism or modern secular , liberal society .
14 He pushed it away but the more he pushed the more it stuck to him .
15 The girl sounded worse the more I listened to her .
16 ‘ In fact , the more I talked to him the more I felt he was not being detached about what he was saying and certainly not professional . ’
17 The nearer we came to Halifax , we found the houses thicker , and the villages greater in every bottom ; and not only so , but the sides of the hills , which were very steep every way , were spread with houses , and that very thick ; for the land being divided into small enclosures , that is to say , from two acres to six or seven acres each seldom more ; every three or four pieces of land had a house belonging to it .
18 The swathing sweep of the Butt of Lewis lighthouse faded the nearer I got to the Port .
19 The nearer I got to it , the deeper it looked .
20 The more I thought about her , the nearer I got to beating off about her now .
21 The closest they got to an opinion on the two campaigns was when Andrew said that Labour 's campaign organisers had been ‘ more laid back ’ than the Tories , but his brother immediately disagreed , saying that perhaps the Conservatives had shown more flexibility in their poster plans .
22 The closest I came to anything clinical was watching a nurse shave the chest of a Lebanese businessman , so that she could attach the electrodes required for an ECG — I held the kidney dish into which the used razor was deposited .
23 The closer he came to attaining power , the more , purely for presentational purposes , anti-Semitism had to be subordinated to or subsumed within other components of the Hitler image .
24 Then he would make a pair of horns with his hands and step slowly backwards , and the closer he got to the bedside lamp the bigger the shadow grew , so that finally it outgrew the wall and spread across the ceiling and towered above him , a vast and terrible Demon .
25 The closer she came to the centre of Steel City the more guards there were .
26 The closer she came to meeting Vitor d'Arcos again , the more her adrenalin surged and the more she wished there had been something to prevent her attendance .
27 five hundred , five hundred I could only say he was n't , five o'clock last night he was no so he went to the one doctor , so to the erm what 's gon na happen when they when he , when they can go down the doctors that 's first of all go into this and after ten , twenty four hours doing this kind of thing for forty eight hours up .
28 We played a well we went to the open last year , quite a few of us , and we 're going again er and w It was n't a particularly nice day but we thought if it 's it was a nice day , this would really be a lovely course .
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