Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] between [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Further , the homologies between mouse and human MHC complexes , suggest that equivalent regions may exist far upstream of the human equivalent to Ea ( DRa ) .
2 The contracts between authorities and hospitals would not specify detailed quality criteria .
3 I can assure the hon. Gentleman that his concerns are well reflected in all the discussions between operators and Ministers .
4 At several points it appeared that the discussions between congressmen and Budget Director Richard G. Darman and White House Chief of Staff John Sununu , had broken down .
5 Now , a new aspect has entered the discussions between consultancies and their clients : Creativity .
6 The interactions between suppliers and customer firms for such nascent and rapidly changing products are important determinants of the directions and pace of technological developments .
7 At type II promoters we can only conclude that the precise nature of the interactions between CRP and the truncated and wild-type polymerases , and their role in the activation mechanism , remain to be determined but that the C-terminal part of the α-subunit of RNA polymerase is not involved in this process .
8 Observations are derived from a 12-month empirical study conducted during 1986/7 of the interactions between users and staff in three day centres in a large northern town .
9 The research examines how the interactions between government and industry are affected by economic and technological change in the chosen industries , as well as by changes in government policy and the performance of national economies .
10 The main products of the research will comprise new models of the interactions between lags and expectations , empirical studies of the success of such models relative to already established results , new econometrics tools for evaluating models , and working computer programmes with their documentation to enable other researchers to test the findings and try out related methods .
11 We see it in its most obvious form in the interactions between species when one species manages to control the behaviour of another as if it were a puppet .
12 The relative dimerization affinities of Myc and Max HLH-Z domains are reminiscent of the interactions between Jun and Fos leucine zippers ( reviewed in ref. 17 ) .
13 The term Oecologie was actually coined in Ernst Haeckel 's Generelle Morphologie of 1866 to denote the study of the interactions between organisms and the external world .
14 Medical microbiology is concerned with the interactions between micro-organisms and their hosts ; for example , the explanations in biological and molecular terms of infectious processes and resultant host tissue damage , or of the action of antibiotics and antiviral agents , and the emergence of resistant organisms .
15 Alternatively , the discrepancy may be explained by the experimental protocols since the studies of Appleton et al could not take into account the interactions between carcinogen and calcium or enterectomy .
16 The potential for misinterpretation and imperfect communication in the interactions between workers and clients is enormous , and no analysis of the effects of social work intervention can be complete without some attention to the views of those on the receiving end .
17 I did n't use the toilets between lessons because I hate all that smoke so , by the time Biffo had finished with us , I dashed straight down to them .
18 The acquisition of the clubs only served to inflame the disagreements between Branson and Nik Powell .
19 The disagreements between Charman and Allison were amplified in the airtight atmosphere of the studio , but they were always petty and did not run to bitterness .
20 Such considerations were probably crucial before initiation ritual developed to deal with the conflicts between sons and fathers ; but even after such conflicts had become institutionalized and ritualized neoteny had an important role to play in postponing the age of initiation by opening up that gap in human psycho-sexual development which Freud called the latency period and which , as we shall see , is an important factor in considering the social and mental health of modern societies .
21 Lenin was very conscious of Marx 's warning that each war contains within it the seeds of a fresh war , an observation amply born out by the conflicts between France and Prussia-Germany in Marx 's lifetime and in Lenin 's time by the First World War .
22 By 1801 , not only had the conflicts between monarch and nobility over the extraction and use of rents and taxes , and the respective rights and duties of each , largely been resolved and in the process made irrelevant , but also the industrial revolution was well under way , establishing the basis for the growing political ascendancy of the industrial classes over both monarchy and aristocracy .
23 There is little evidence that the conflicts between Protestants and Catholics produced any disenchantment with religion , or that the speed and frequency of the changes provoked a widespread scepticism or agnosticism .
24 The Puritan appeal to individual conscience , the conflicts between Parliament and King , all rest on a misunderstanding of the nature of sovereignty , and its relation to the governed .
25 In reflecting on the conflicts between freedom and responsibility , Burke said :
26 Both sides were translating foreign affairs into domestic battles and acting out the conflicts between classes and parties through the use of international substitutes .
27 But they were undoubtedly a constructive way of bringing labour and capital together to resolve their problems peacefully in an atmosphere of mutual recognition and compromise.For this reason , given that employers and governments were willing to accept that trade unions had a function and that they had come to stay , they appeared to the Labour Department of the Board of Trade as its functions developed in the early years of the twentieth century , to be especially useful in dealing with some of the conflicts between labour and capital in which it increasingly became involved .
28 This is especially true in relation to hostility in groups and between groups , the conflicts between individuals and their society and the burden of man 's past social actions , transmitted through religions , which still affect societies ' development .
29 Unlike Fleming , Florey found the atmosphere of a London teaching hospital uncongenial and the conflicts between clinicians and research workers discouraging .
30 This , one of the dominant plants of the undrained Fens , can still be seen on the roofs of some of the houses between Ely and Newmarket .
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