Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] which have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Admitting that the security forces were involved in a recent wave of kidnappings and murders of students , he said that his government did not have the means to combat the activities which had taken place over the past few months , aimed at creating a climate of terror and instability in order to justify an attempt to return to the past or the installation of a president who would promise a tough policy .
2 Millett basically dismisses the activities which have tended to dominate women 's lives as ‘ infantilising ’ , because they restrict women to the level , she argues , of the merely biological , and do not allow them to enter upon the ‘ fully human ’ activities which have been the province of men .
3 A person with a limited vocabulary can usually manage well in familiar surroundings but may experience difficulty , for instance when filling in many of the forms which have become a feature of our modern society such as an insurance form .
4 At a later meeting of all the chiefs , in the palace , a proclamation was read out detailing the acts which had convinced the ministers that Lij Yasu had become a Muslim .
5 Another daft view is that all the woes which have beset the Soviet Union and its satellites are because these countries did n't know how to run their economies .
6 This relatively smooth response to the second oil shock has been interpreted as a united , collective effort to resolve the severe crisis of the mid-1970s which had exposed Japan 's energy vulnerability and her fragile political consensus .
7 Some time after dark , when the cans which had held chicken and plum pudding lay cold in a shallow pit , and when our plates and dishes had been scraped clean , we wrapped ourselves up and sat out of the wind , behind the Land Rover .
8 Listing the institutions which had contributed to the lamentable performance of ‘ UK plc ’ , Morgan went on to lambast Oxford University ( ‘ dons caught in a timewarp ’ ) , the Church of England ( ‘ the enterprise culture is an alien concept to the established Church ’ ) , and Whitehall ( ‘ our vast body of state employees who do not have to worry where the next pay cheque is coming from ’ ) .
9 Against this background the institutions which had become the responsibility of Bedfordshire County Council were under pressure which was reflected in the occupancy figures at St. Peter 's for July 1931 :
10 The descriptions of the galleries which follow are grouped mainly in areas , with the galleries which have gone and their references listed with them .
11 Ashley was frowning at the flames which had begun to dart around his feet when two other drivers appeared , grabbed hold of an arm apiece and forcibly dragged him away .
12 The terror and the execution of the king paralysed and disgusted those intellectuals who , formed by French books and sharing the ideologies which had inspired the moderates in 1789 , now saw ordered progress drowned in blood .
13 In the discussions which had led to the creation of the ECSC , other economic sectors such as transport and agriculture had been highlighted as being ripe for similar developments .
14 It makes clear , firstly , that Eighth Army and AF HQ were brought fully into the picture as to the methods being used by 5 Corps to effect the repatriation of the anti-Tito Yugoslavs and , after all the discussions which had gone on in previous days , gave those methods their complete support .
15 The conflicts which have developed over land and housing can also be linked up to the very mobility of incomers .
16 In the absence of any details it is difficult to assess the force of these references to biology and sociology … . ( 1 ) What , if any , were the false biological views in question ? ( 2 ) How did it follow from them that women could not be ordained to the priesthood ? ( 3 ) What are the views which have taken their place ? … . ( 7 ) Have the views about women which have now come to be held proved to be true ?
17 I could train birds on the bitter bead , shock them , either immediately or a few minutes after training , and compare the biochemistry in the birds which had tasted the bead but forgotten the association with that in the birds which had tasted and remembered the bead .
18 I could train birds on the bitter bead , shock them , either immediately or a few minutes after training , and compare the biochemistry in the birds which had tasted the bead but forgotten the association with that in the birds which had tasted and remembered the bead .
19 Even the birds which had swarmed across the sky had disappeared .
20 Yet the disreputable William Martin had won an enormous following in " Worstedopolis ' , culminating in a mighty show of hands at the hustings which had left no one in any doubt that , had those hands possessed a vote apiece , he would have been elected overwhelmingly as a Bradford MP .
21 And the sores which have plagued his mouth for months have now disappeared .
22 These were the groups which had suffered most from the dislocations of the war , and an element of class antagonism can perhaps be detected in their hatred of wealthy Whig financiers and rich local Dissenters ( especially the Presbyterians ) .
23 The LTTE 's Tamil rivals , the groups which had set up provincial governments under IPKF protection , were destroyed and many thousands fled to Tamil Nadu state in southern India .
24 Purely East German groupings such as the Alliance " 90 , made up of many of the groups which had sparked initial resistance to the Honecker regime , found themselves unable to compete on equal terms .
25 Ruddock , however , differed from any of the cases which had gone before in the sense that the issue ‘ has usually been whether the admitted act or decision was justified on grounds of national security ’ .
26 Reg. v. McPherson is to my mind clearly correctly decided as are all the cases which have followed it .
27 Secondly , it is unrealistic to divide the matters which a tribunal has to decide into preliminary and essential : all elements within the statement , ‘ if X , ’ in some way condition the jurisdiction to proceed to do Y. Thirdly , it is impossible to reconcile the cases which have used the collateral fact doctrine .
28 Some of the rules which have caused considerable debate are reproduced below :
29 These guidelines effectively restate the rules which have become custom and practice :
30 Third , detailed consideration was required of the reasons which had prompted the Cambridge Board to consider seeking providing powers for courses of a lower academic standard than those traditionally offered by universities in counties beyond those for which exceptional agreements existed .
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