Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] which [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 ‘ College men ’ or ‘ academics ’ are considered to be potentially dangerous and polluting because of their limited understanding of the ‘ polis 's ’ real world ; for they never stay long enough to experience the depth and complexities of the activities which lend him his ‘ special knowledge ’ .
2 Some features of that world are nowadays entirely inscrutable — notably , what it was in Frederic Lowndes 's self-effacing position on The Times which gave him and his wife access to a society of international aristocracy and even royalty , and to the inner circles of the cabinet , as well as the society of novelists and playwrights .
3 One of the best known names in football has been teaching a group of schoolchildren some of the skills which took him to the top of the game .
4 This , allied to the respect and admiration he had already gained here as captain of our 1977 promotion team and as a member of the full Welsh International side , established an empathy between Ian and the fans which made him part of the folk-lore of Crystal Palace Football Club .
5 But it was not the mere surface meaning of the words which arrested him .
6 This questioning procedure allows the salesperson to tailor the speed and content of his presentation to the circumstances which face him .
7 The inner contemplation of the matters which troubled him merged suddenly with awareness that the sword was an unbearable weight at the end of his extended arms .
8 The star of the show was the remarkable Malawian writer Jack Mapanje , perhaps Africa 's best known English language poet , who read some of the poems which landed him in Zomba jail without charge or trial for almost four years .
9 The troubles which surrounded him were not just his own .
10 It is interesting to examine the conditions which allowed him to argue so positively in favour of modernism within the Review .
11 He had been speaking for some five minutes or more with force and conviction , carried away by the things which concerned him greatly .
12 He could listen to her gentle teasing before going into his secret room and memorandising the questions which bedevilled him .
13 It is tempting to explain the startling developments which duly took place in Russian domestic affairs in the second half of the 1850s and the first half of the 1860s by saying that the tsar recognized the extent of the difficulties which confronted him and applied himself to resolving them .
14 Referral of the problems which concern him comes nearly always from a parent or outsider .
15 Pearce pauses for reflection when asked to define the qualities which took him to the top with such apparent ease .
16 There can be no doubt , therefore , that whether they are correct or not , Ibn Hajar and the sources which follow him believe that Molla Fenari died in Rajab 834 .
17 Gunn continues , describing the feelings which thrilled him in that time now past .
18 He had intended to put in an hour 's fishing but there was an impatience which he could not appease by the sport and so he turned aside into the fields which took him across towards Portinscale .
19 The mullah made a drink from the berries which kept him awake throughout his prayers , and so began the tradition of coffee drinking .
20 It 's impossible to generalise and it 's up to each farmer to weigh up the options which suit him best .
21 If a fluid balance chart is in use it will be continued until the patient goes to theatre and will be one of the documents which accompany him .
22 Indeed , an upbringing which gave Alexander II many qualifications for the tasks which confronted him failed to conceal the fact that he was not very gifted at all .
23 He went on writing busily in the journals which employed him , the Edinburgh Review and others .
24 His mother says that he talked to her about it and she tried to convince him that he was misinterpreting what he had seen and heard , but as far as I can learn John never mentioned it to anyone else until late in life , when telling Dr Schäfer about the thoughts which led him to make his ballet Spuren .
25 Eisenhower , himself , a former military leader , was pointing to a phenomena which troubled him , and one which others have seen developing in many countries .
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