Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] they have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The trade unions were particularly effective at publicising the difficulties some private contractors encountered in fulfilling the contracts they had accepted ( Ascher 1987:224 ) .
2 He accepted that the complainants were under no misapprehension about the nature of the acts they had engaged in .
3 I 'm aware of the accounts they 've handled successfully and also the fact that , owing to the recent recession and not to any fault of their own , they 've been seriously affected by the cut-back in promotion budgets of several of their larger clients . ’
4 Robert Hardy was there to re-rehearse the discussions they had held on desolate airfields during the war .
5 But eventually the pair made the mistake of trying to sell the gems they had claimed were stolen .
6 They feel so strongly about the dangers they 've sent letters and pictures to the local council .
7 People do leave something of themselves behind in the houses they 've lived in , the Japanese recognize that in some way , I do n't know how .
8 So far none of the houses they had seen qualified as commercial properties , and Juliet began to have a sinking feeling , remembering what her mother had said .
9 In Britain it is unusual , and few see the houses they have designed actually built .
10 He had died before she 'd finished university , but she had carried out the plans they had made .
11 The owner kept the canvases they had left behind and used them to cover his chicken coops and rabbit hutches .
12 The projects they had undertaken all had particular relevance to current group objectives , and Mr Davies wished them well in their career with Johnson Matthey .
13 More democratic and collaborative pedagogies , as proposed by Troyna and Carrington ( 1990 ) and exemplified by some of the projects they have developed , are a step in the right direction .
14 Effective presidents , according to the criteria used in this book , are those who succeed in translating the proposals they have advanced on the campaign trail into policy action .
15 Kylie admits that the tour of the chic boutiques in Paris , London and New York gave the sisters a chance to catch up on a lot of the times they had missed when the demands of television companies just had to take priority over family .
16 They were reminiscing over the times they had worked together , and this she found irritating .
17 For the first time since Heaven , Ace thought of Julian , and the times they had sat in worn green leather armchairs , the hum of traffic from the A40 outside making waves in their glasses , knowing that the barman thought they were underage but also knowing that Ace intimidated him so much that he would n't say anything .
18 But they deny it and say that in well over half the cases they 've taken on , the fathers were paying nothing .
19 In all the cases they 'd had a violent experience in earlier childhood .
20 But our concern in this book is more with the civil-liberties record of the judges as reflected in the cases they have decided .
21 During the hours they had set aside for practising , such girls are whisked off to Neiman-Marcus , where they are instructed on the difference between Bill Blass and Geoffrey Beene with a degree of rigour reminiscent of their earliest scale-drumming days .
22 So little had been released from that tight grip , and there was so little natural affinity between them that , for all the hours they had spent in this room together , they remained strangers to one another .
23 Chris explained with rapidly diminishing patience that some of the Argentinian officers had received their training at Sandhurst ; his brother had served in the Scots Guards on Mount Tumbledown and had said that the Argentinians they had confronted there had been good , professional soldiers .
24 It has n't been an easy time , even for the professions , and while law firms have had to cut back on staffing , they face having to get more out of the personnel they have left in terms of client service .
25 It uses the database to access , capture and track complete profiles about customers , the products they have installed , and how they use them .
26 The oil mingled with the warm salty water which leaked from places in the ceilings , and that was one of the reasons they had asked for some sort of banister rail to hold on to in the narrow winding-stair .
27 Erm , I think at the back of some people 's minds there was this pressure , you know that 's why a few did return to work and I mean I can understand some of them returning to work but not necessarily for the reasons they 've stated .
28 But on the other hand I 'm pleased the reasons they 've given for the delay are the points we 've been raising with them over the last two years .
29 And er one of the reasons they 've reduced the levels of anaesthetic is because the more they reduce the levels of anaesthetic , the lower your chances of dying during the anaesthesia .
30 It was a competition to test the skills they 've learned in dealing with real road accidents .
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