Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] that [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 From a wider perspective , the restless tides that govern world trade and industry make plant closures as well as new plant openings inevitable and healthy , and only the neanderthals that believe that it is management 's function to provide jobs for life , and the workers ' function to make management 's life as hard as possible would argue otherwise .
2 Of all the groups that thought that Mr Clinton was their man , three are most important .
3 We begin work feeling that certain codes of dress and conduct are acceptable and within six months we have agreed with the norms that indicate that certain codes of dress and conduct are certainly not acceptable .
4 It 's best to bring an early morning , mid-flow sample with you , because the hormones that show that you are pregnant are most concentrated in your early-morning urine .
5 Perhaps the most striking have been the experiments that show that the presence of the neutral weak interaction in addition to the electromagnetic interaction does indeed lead to a parity violation in electron proton scattering and in certain transitions in heavy atoms .
6 Intertel Communications Inc , currently legally a Canadian company , says from its Teleport Denver Inc base in Colorado that it plans to swear allegiance to the flag and become a naturalised American : it will reincorporate in the US to meet a condition set by the Federal Communications Commission , which gave plenty of ammunition to the Europeans that say that the US market is not as open as Uncle Sam likes to think , by insisting that only American companies could hold earth satellite station common carrier licences — there is no comparable restriction on US companies applying for licences in the UK .
7 Presumably the Soviets that argued that these protesters should n't be there in the first place and they have the right to apprehend them if , if they want to ?
8 However , they are unable to sidestep the results that show that areas with a high proportion of young men aged 15–24 years and a high proportion of the working class have significantly higher crime rates — and both these groups have the highest levels of unemployment experiences .
9 One , one of the most common question of the last weeks are we yes last weeks Sunday visiting that I was involved with in my ward was from people who were perturbed , not about means testing because that is not the word that it was about , but about something that is on the same kind of sphere and that was about whether erm East Gates which decided to be their own managers would also be able to their own tenants and keep the ones that were less suitable away from the ones that knew that they were suitable .
10 I loathe the documents that prove that ‘ Guernica ’ was not a generous gift to the nation but was in fact sold by Picasso for FFr150,000 , the largest sum the painter had so far earned , thus permitting the work to be shown at the Centro Reina Sofía .
11 I would say that the criteria that 's that 's sent out at the moment is is far too strict for the lot , a lot of women and at the moment you 're expected to be skeletal , whereas th , you can very well be thirteen stone and anorexic it 's , it depends on your attitude towards food .
12 During the next few years I developed new mathematical techniques to remove this and other technical conditions from the theorems that proved that singularities must occur .
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