Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] that i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I prevailed with the gaoler ( the sheriff denying me ) to take some of the seamen that I thought most dangerous [ i.e. the likeliest to try to escape ] a week ago , and , notwithstanding the strength of the place , from a turret … four men slipped away by a cord in a minute …
2 I suppose while this is for me cos on the sponsorship issue is , would sponsorship have any impact in terms of what I might purchase so if I went to the Scottish Opera or the ballet or to the theatre and I bought a programme which I usually do and one of the things which is interesting about the evening that erm Alan and I spent last time at Scottish Council was that half the people attend Scottish Opera buy a programme and the programmes that I have sponsored always .
3 From the discussions that I have had with those groups and from some statements that I have received — I do not want to go into detail because they were confidential — I am confident that a solution could have been found which would have formed a reasoned consensus for those groups , for the interests that they represent and for the House .
4 I am confident from the discussions that I have had that we could have found the basis for an agreement .
5 Against that background — I doubt whether many hon. Members would dispute the dangers that I have outlined — the argument about who won at Maastricht is pitifully irrelevant .
6 At times I become so obsessive about the dangers that I find myself making lists of what could go wrong .
7 The conflicts that I referred to earlier commonly occur at the level of technique when operation is implemented in dissociation from appraisal , in the form , for example , of prescribed teaching materials which have the appearance of novelty .
8 It was for that reason that I took the stand I did , and put forward the views that I did .
9 Does my right hon. Friend agree that many of the views that I have expressed in the House , which at times have been received with ridicule and dismay , have become law subsequently ?
10 Of course he was n't always there because frequently there were notes from his mother to say that he had earache or something , but later on I realized , of course , that those notes had been faked , the same as the notes that I had sent to school from my mother several generations before that .
11 I mean , I think it 's terrible and , and I mean , if Mr Lilley himself went into some of the houses that I go into and see the the existence that they live , because that 's all it is , you know , it 's just an existence .
12 From the plans that I 've seen there 's no change from what they originally planned
13 Apart from the projects that I have mentioned , there is the electrification of the trans-Pennine routes , the electrification of the Perth-Inverness line , the modernisation of the London , Tilbury and Southend line , Thameslink 2000 and the potential modernisation of the north Kent line .
14 This afternoon , he has treated the House to an extraordinary collection of half-truths and inaccuracies , but he has not told us the Labour party 's attitude to the proposals that I identified in the statement .
15 That means joint commissioning , you have an example later on in your agenda in relation to learning disability services , I think it 's items nine , nine and eleven , erm , er , perhaps the most controversial part of the proposals that I 've , I 've put before the authorities , is that you do n't expect the structures for joint care planning to carry the full weight of joint commissioning when you 're talking about main budgets .
16 I 'm lucky enough I do n't seem to get any out , you know , the times that I 've said oh I 'm not bothering this year .
17 And indeed it 's a sign of the times that I speak not with a mitre metaphorically upon my head but perhaps the glengarry of the convenorship of the Central Council of ACTS and therefore I am in part your servant here .
18 It was also clearly evident , in the groups that I saw being taught , as well as from my own personal experience , that the GCSE has improved children 's motivation .
19 In the cases that I have mentioned everything is in order — all the forms have been filled in and returned by the contractor , the work has been completed satisfactorily — but it is a long time before the cheque is processed and the contractor paid .
20 We were n't doing the hours that I 'd agreed to do , and Silvia and I had come to a sort of arrangement … ’
21 It would probably add to the complications in my life but it would probably lessen the hours that I have on my own , though God knows , I do n't do too badly .
22 Yeah , for the reasons that I 've said
23 What I would say is that we endeavour to counteract that on the reasons that I 've stated , by virtue of the fact that we invite them to read the policy .
24 One or two more reasons here to add , that in the main , I did move refusal for the reasons that I 'd listed , which in the main are covered .
25 However , for the reasons that I have explained , there is no need for this court to come to any conclusion one way or the other on that matter .
26 For the reasons that I have endeavoured to outline , I think that the assistant recorder came to a correct conclusion and I too would dismiss this appeal .
27 For all the reasons that I have given , we are determined to introduce a minimum wage that will offer decent protection to decent people whom I , my hon. Friends and , indeed , Conservative Members represent .
28 To ask me to give commitments in advance of the review is an outrageous request , and I can not meet that commitment for the reasons that I have given .
29 For the reasons that I have given , I am sceptical of the existing system and therefore I rarely speak on such motions .
30 And that 's one of the reasons that I do n't like it !
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