Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] be [adv] or " in BNC.

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1 These are obvious cases because the forms are linguistically or stylistically related , and in one of them it will be shown later that the name became hereditary — as Forsey — down to the twentieth century .
2 You have to put them up because the notes are on or below the middle line .
3 William and Andrew Smith invented an ingenious machine for printing tartan paper and from then on many of the products were partly or wholly covered with the paper , making them unique in the souvenir trade at that time .
4 Nor is it known how such circumstances arose or whether the balances are individually or cumulatively material in relation to the company 's accounts .
5 The movements are more or less directed sideways , i.e. écarté or effacé , as in the dances fur Romeo , Mercutio and Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet and fur the Tutor in A Month in the Country .
6 ( One possible exception to this was Mexico , where the Communists were more or less tolerated until they made a misjudged and Comintern-inspired attempt to exploit an abortive right-wing coup against the portes Gil government in 1929 — see pages 39–40 .
7 It is meant to be a 12 day walk but because of its convoluted shape the circuit can easily be shortened , for instance two of the days are more or less optional .
8 Unless you fire a gun from the hip it 's all Outside ; you point and aim and that 's it , unless the sights are out or there 's a really high wind .
9 80 per cent of the buildings were more or less seriously inadequate .
10 if the lights is on or if the windows is open .
11 Well-launched as it was , I regret to report that the organization of China-Canada Inc. seemed to die of inactivity after its founder left for China in 1946 ; it was , after all , very much of a one-man show and the big names on all the committees were more or less honorary only .
12 And of course there was a thing we w a lot of the work in the mills was in or Selkirk and of course you went to the early train in the morning , there was a train from Galashiels to and it was full of workers going to the mills in and of course if you going er to work in a mill there , your , your foreman would come , you would draw the tools , at the , the night before you went to the job , you would take them there to the train in the morning , and meet the foreman and you would go to do the job and the same to Selkirk .
13 Although the , the hub of the sails is more or less in the centre of this photograph it 's not in sent not in the sense of , of the area of vision because you 've got a lot of dark area here so that tends to move the centre of vision so it becomes this bit , if you like , and so that 's not in the centre there .
14 In 36 of these , the submissions were wholly or partially approved and the courses will commence in the autumn .
15 Before I first visited I supposed wrongly that , since the latitudes are more or less the same , the coastline would be vaguely similar to that of Maine or New Brunswick .
16 The parishes were more or less equal in area , around 4000 acres ; their layout says a great deal for the Saxon ability to recognise and exploit soil features and for their respect for mutual rights of neighbouring communities .
17 These may of course in practice be confused or entangled with each other , as they are in Northern Ireland , or as they are in any state where the elections are largely or wholly a political ritual or a way of mobilizing mass support or approval for a regime in which party and state are indistinguishable , and electoral choice between contestants for office non-existent .
18 The ECSC had not conditioned the European public in favour of supranationalism , nor had the key interest groups in coal and steel , whether the industries were publicly or privately owned , emerged as a vanguard of European integration .
19 Most of the towns were on or near the coast and they exploited their site advantages , capitalizing on their access to sea routes and on the fertile soils of their hinterlands .
20 While England thus had a monopoly power to buy colonial products , the sugar and tobacco and other products of the colonies were more or less guaranteed the entire English market by a system of preferential tariffs .
21 An institution was any establishment provided by the Council for reception and maintenance of the poor other than a hospital , a children 's home or a separate casual ward .
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