Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [be] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The new unionists , he discovered , were wrong in supposing that funds mattered less in the class struggle than the unity and solidarity of the workers and the Seamen were at a disadvantage compared with other unions in having , because of the nature of their occupation , to appoint and pay so many full-time officials .
2 Price Waterhouse , which took over from BDO Binder Hamlyn after the 1991 annual audit , points out in a ‘ subject to ’ report that the accounts are on a going concern basis and that the group is dependent on the continuing availability of adequate banking facilities .
3 The accounts are in an appalling state . "
4 It is no doubt true that there is a reduced need for rigorous liability rules where the shareholders are in a position to exercise a real , informed choice about the appointment and removal of directors , and are prepared to engage in active monitoring of management .
5 Most of the debate between the CNAA and the CDP concerned ‘ self-validation ’ , the CNAA 's role , progress towards autonomy or some particular aspect of the relationship between the CNAA and the polytechnics — and the discussions were on an ad hoc basis .
6 Each phospholipid series is characterised by a phase transition , below which its fatty acyl chains are in a quasi-crystalline array and above which the chains are in a more fluid state .
7 Michael normally takes the children on a shopping expedition on Saturday mornings unless the Reds are on an away day , in which case a family outing will be arranged .
8 My point is that , in general , the courts are under an injunction not to give custodial sentences to offenders under 21 .
9 The bikes are of a high standard touring bike — some without gears , some with three hub gears , and usually backpedal brakes .
10 The scripts were of a very high standard and , even when the obvious was about to happen , Raymond Allen 's writing and the performances of Crawford and Michele Dotrice — especially their comic timing — provided moments of dialogue to treasure .
11 A petition can only be presented in respect of a debt if ( s 267(2) ) : ( i ) the amount of the debt or the aggregate of the debts is equal to or exceeds the bankruptcy level ( defined in 5267(4) as £750 but subject to change by the Secretary of State ) , ( ii ) the debt of each of the debts is for a liquidated sum payable either immediately or at some future time and is unsecured , ( iii ) the debtor appears unable to pay or to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay the debt or debts , and ( iv ) there is no outstanding application to set aside a statutory demand served under s 268 ( see section 4 ( c ) below ) .
12 Perhaps people realise that in England these women are ultimately powerless , so they feel there is no point in helping them , or perhaps they think that the sons are to a certain extent justified , or may be it is just a matter of people not having the time or energy to do anything about it .
13 The notes were on a mixture of papers , mostly loose-leaf ; ruled , plain , squared , graph .
14 Since the birds were in a cold room I believe the filter matting provided extra protection from the low temperatures .
15 If the nuclei are from a female fetus , the sex chromatin body becomes visible in a proportion of the nuclei as the dark staining body illustrated in Figure 6b .
16 The houses are in a conservation area and have to be covered with slate roofing tiles .
17 It is in the field of domestic architecture that Pompeii is unique ; the houses are in a remarkable state of preservation and , apart from Herculaneum and Ostia , there is so little of such building extant .
18 No politicians ever come to visit them : 75% of the houses are in a precarious position , and compared to our lives the conditions are desparately poor for at least 40% of the population .
19 The Office of Works examined the damage and reported that the houses were in an ‘ extremely defective and unsound state ’ and should be rebuilt as soon as possible , but still nothing was done .
20 Now planning councillors on both side of the Thames will have to consider if the plans are for a bridge too far
21 He will need to decide whether the planning issues raised by the proposals are of a sufficient scale to warrant the cost and delays which a public inquiry would entail .
22 We are interested here in finding out what the norms are within a single social stratum and how they function for the speakers : at this point in our work we have no justification for relating this pattern to social class differences .
23 If the rules are of an unusual or onerous nature , for example allowing the exchange to alter dates of performance , the purchase price , or delivery obligations at will ; then a higher standard of notification may be required .
24 The petrological analysis has not been compared with the distribution of die-sets , yet the sheer volume of material , about 200 vessels from about twelve sites , one being the settlement of West Stow in Suffolk , might seem to argue strongly that the products are from a single workshop .
25 And you would n't have come down here in such a tearing hurry , and be accompanied by an expert in nuclear weaponry , unless the bombs were of a rather nasty variety .
26 Temporarily transformed into an ass , with Titania drugged into loving his new shape ( Apuleius ' Golden Ass must be somewhere in Shakespeare 's mental world ) , Bottom persists in the good-humoured prose of l'homme moyen sensuel , utterly oblivious to the fact that the Queen of the fairies is in an erotic tizzy over him .
27 The story of the Hebrews is of a nomadic tribal people who settled the Holy Land — a depopulated fertile agricultural area .
28 All the ponies are in a small room at the front of the ship .
29 This may be also a question which you will say the districts are in a better position to answer and maybe they should be forewarned that if you say that , they will be asked that question .
30 Each time the game is played the animals are in a different position on the screen .
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