Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Millett basically dismisses the activities which have tended to dominate women 's lives as ‘ infantilising ’ , because they restrict women to the level , she argues , of the merely biological , and do not allow them to enter upon the ‘ fully human ’ activities which have been the province of men .
2 While the major policy-making and orientation roles rested with the members of the Council and its multiplicity of committees , the search for promotional roles in association with the institutions was inevitably a key part of the activities we have seen the CNAA 's officers playing .
3 Look back on the activities you have enjoyed in the past and select one to develop .
4 And there is a sense in which this applies , but although I can appreciate his point that seeking a good reputation may well dominate the practical order , if it were also to dominate the activities I have designated ‘ second-order ’ then it makes nonsense of the possibility of ‘ disinterestedness ’ , enjoying something for its own sake .
5 The activities I have tried have been successful , and I shall try many more . ’
6 A person with a limited vocabulary can usually manage well in familiar surroundings but may experience difficulty , for instance when filling in many of the forms which have become a feature of our modern society such as an insurance form .
7 However , behind the tendencies we have charted lurks a more intractable problem , that of curriculum expertise .
8 IT systems are available now which can be trained by experts to perform decision making activities based on implicit information as well as , or even better than , the experts who have trained them .
9 Another daft view is that all the woes which have beset the Soviet Union and its satellites are because these countries did n't know how to run their economies .
10 Since the mid-1970s we have reviewed perinatal mortality rates in Leicestershire to describe the cause and number of perinatal deaths and to use this information to influence local services .
11 As a result of the remits we have ensured that growth in net revenues , inevitably small given the recession of the last three years , has outpaced growth in costs , thus reversing the unacceptable trend seen prior to the programme .
12 Discuss the performance of the business for the period as revealed by the accounts you have prepared , paying particular attention to its cash position and profitability .
13 The descriptions of the galleries which follow are grouped mainly in areas , with the galleries which have gone and their references listed with them .
14 The chefs who have signed on are leading a new golden era of culinary craft , ’ said Peter Taylor , associate director of the academy .
15 And the station he chose to watch , rather than the giants who have dominated American TV for decades , was Cable Network News . ’
16 But the discussions we have had point clearly to the next step , which will be to reorganise AEA Technology to better reflect our main activities and the requirements of our customers .
17 Thinking can only make use of the patterns we have acquired in the past .
18 The investigations we have made .
19 And a brief account of the investigations you have made since the child 's birth ? ’
20 Songs are the lifeblood of pop music , and all the artists I have represented have been heavily involved in songwriting .
21 Whilst a younger generation of women artists are getting certain recognition , the artists who have laid the foundation for our young contemporaries should not be erased from memory .
22 The conflicts which have developed over land and housing can also be linked up to the very mobility of incomers .
23 The second of the views we have noted derives from a claim that the route to indubitable knowledge is not through empirical experience of the external world , but through logical , that is rational , principles which are beyond doubt .
24 We have modified some of our proposals in the light of the views we have received .
25 Although we have not seen the report we have had encouraging indication that in some of the key areas BZW 's views and recommendations are broadly consistent with the views we have submitted to DTI and that they support the next steps we are taking .
26 In the absence of any details it is difficult to assess the force of these references to biology and sociology … . ( 1 ) What , if any , were the false biological views in question ? ( 2 ) How did it follow from them that women could not be ordained to the priesthood ? ( 3 ) What are the views which have taken their place ? … . ( 7 ) Have the views about women which have now come to be held proved to be true ?
27 We would also hope that , should there be a need in the future to make a decision in Council regarding application for such a byelaw , you , the members , will give proper consideration to the views I have expressed on behalf of the ro responsible dog ownership group .
28 Leslie Evans , the council 's assistant director for arts and entertainment , said : ‘ The musicals we have had have always been on a quite tight financial squeeze because we have a fairly small theatre with about 1,300 seats .
29 ‘ Many of your countrymen — no , many of the Germans we have talked about — think Hitler would have stepped back if Churchill had been in power .
30 If not , then put a large red cross through the notes you have written .
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