Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [vb pp] against [art] " in BNC.

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1 And in the vineries built against a south facing wall are peach trees … the last remnants of an era when every large house expected to grow its own peaches , grapes and figs .
2 These organs respond to minute movements of the claws pressed against the water surface .
3 Instead Taylor and his players must wait for 10 weeks to build on the foundations laid against the Turks — but , in an attempt to maintain some continuity , Taylor is planning an unscheduled pre-Christmas get-together .
4 The hours saved against the target set are not necessarily paid in full .
5 Dustsheets covered all the furniture and were draped over the pictures stacked against the wall .
6 Often , the words alleged against the accused were spoken in an alehouse , and although alcohol might help loosen one 's inhibitions , we surely have to be sceptical about the depth of commitment of someone whose only Jacobite statement was made in a drunken stupor .
7 Grant felt the partly open door shudder against his shoulder as the rounds hammered against the sheet steel of its surface .
8 The nobles protested against the abolition of the señorios , the old municipalities against their constitutional successors .
9 Most of the criticisms levelled against the world 's religions are criticisms of failure .
10 is the honourable member aware that whereas all the Conservatives voted against the Herman report , the Labour party , the socialists er er out there on the that side , voted for it .
11 He was put down in the spare bedroom with the blinds closed against the sun , and Jim sat with him telling him stories until he fell asleep .
12 As well as the writs issued against the two men , 12 writs were obtained by the army 's solicitors , Slaughter & May — mostly to gain access to confidential documents or accounts where funds are thought to be held .
13 Before the master the attack on the third party notice was , I understand , based on somewhat technical issues , such as the want of particularity in the allegations made against the third party , the fact that there is no assertion that he was part of the conspiracy in which the third defendant is said to have joined and an argument that the third defendant and the third party are not on any view liable to the plaintiffs in respect of the same damage , so that the case is not within section 1(1) of the Civil Liability ( Contribution ) Act 1978 , which I shall mention in some detail later .
14 He looked up at the newcomers outlined against the bright light of the street .
15 The arguments deployed against the reformers ' case are varied .
16 One of the arguments used against a significant ROM scavenging role for the aminosalicylates is that 4-ASA , while clinically effective , is less efficient in scavenging ROM than 5-ASA .
17 Thus , to return to the arguments mobilized against the CLRC 's proposal : the chief difference in protection of the vulnerable between the present system and the CLRC 's is that the latter had a maximum penalty of two years ' imprisonment , whereas life imprisonment is available where a defence of diminished responsibility succeeds ; and the fundamental ethical problems are now swept under the carpet by a combination of a stretched diagnosis of ‘ abnormality of mind ’ and the ample judicial sentencing discretion , whereas the CLRC 's proposal attempted to make the issues justiciable .
18 He told of the advancements made against the backcloth of the Single Market , highlighting how all major EC turkey-producing countries had increased output during the past five years .
19 Tenison and thirteen of the bishops voted against the Occasional Conformity Bill in the Lords in December 1702 , playing a crucial role in defeating a measure which was lost by seventy-one votes to fifty-nine .
20 It divided the forces arrayed against the Tsar .
21 ‘ We were required to sit in court as a guard duty , ’ he says , ‘ and therefore listened to many of the charges brought against the accused , who were mostly senior Japanese officers , although some of the lesser ranks were involved .
22 ‘ Of all the charges brought against the gay community there is none more common than the assumption that gay and paedophile are one and the same .
23 Later , with the shutters closed against the night , the four of them sat within the ingoing of the great fireplace of the hall , on two cushioned benches on either side of the glowing , hissing log fire .
24 He knew when he was beneath the gate-towers because he could see how the machicolations projected against the sky rounded shapes of darkness void of stars ; but he heard not a sound , not even the tread of the watch on the walk between the towers .
25 The first clear indication of a real shift in attitude towards the Roman Empire comes not from evidence relating to Euric himself , but rather from a letter of Sidonius discussing the accusations levelled against the prefect of Gaul , Arvandus , in 468 .
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