Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [coord] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 In such cases the Court of Justice has held that the requirements of Article 190 are satisfied if the statement of reasons given explains in essence the measures taken by the institutions and that a specific statement of reasons in support of all the details which might be contained in such a measure can not be required , provided such details fall within the general scheme of the measures as a whole .
2 It is also helpful if it can be shown there have been arm 's length negotiations between management and the institutions and that the price benefit to management ( ie the fact that management acquire control of Newco but pay no more per share than the institutions and/or pay less than 50% of the price for more than 50% of the equity ) derives from those negotiations , rather than from management 's employment by Target .
3 As a result , a senior member of the Treasury Solicitor 's staff sent an advisory letter to the President of the Immigration Appeal Tribunal saying that the decision undermined the rules and that the judge went ‘ much too far ’ .
4 My days can involve patrolling the island to make sure that people are observing the rules and that the birds are n't being disturbed either on the land or from the sea .
5 The Employment Appeal Tribunal considered that there was a potentially fair reason for the dismissals and that the employer had in fact handled the matter fairly , adding :
6 But someone told me that it is not the same as the passion fruit on sale at the shops and that the fruits are poisonous .
7 I direct that an up-to-date psychiatric report be available to the court and to the parties and that the local authority make arrangements for that to be done through the secure unit .
8 Chitty states that the object of all construction is to discover the intentions of the parties and that the " cardinal presumption " is that parties have intended what they have in fact said .
9 The caecum of cf/cf mice transfected with pREP8-CFTR showed no appreciable cAMP-stimulated chloride secretion compared with the control ( +/+ ) mice , confirming the genotypes of the mice and that the transfection procedure did not affect the gut .
10 Is my hon. Friend aware that , in the Wakefield health authority district , democratic results gave only two seats to the Conservatives but that every appointment in the health authority area is a Conservative ?
11 Speaking at the opening of the conference , Wang Fang , State Councillor and head of the NNCC , said that China 's drug problem had re-emerged during the mid-1980s and that the situation was the grimmest since the 1950s .
12 US intelligence sources , who revealed the deal at a time which coincided with a visit to the USA by Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir ( see p. 36599 ) , alleged that Libyan pilots were receiving training in the Soviet Union to fly the planes and that a Libyan Il-76 transport plane was being converted into a refuelling tanker .
13 Among the pieces of evidence advanced for the traditional view , for example , are the facts that until late in the reign of Suleyman the Muftis were considerably less well-paid than the kazaskers and that the Muftis did not sit in the divan whereas the kazaskers did .
14 Indeed , the House of Lords expressly approved the earlier judgment in Al Saudi Banque and Others v Clark Pixley ( 1989 ) 3 All ER 361 in which it was held that auditors did not owe a duty of care to a number of banks because it could not be established that the auditors knew either that the company 's accounts were to be shown to the banks or that the banks would rely on them in reaching decisions as lenders .
15 You acknowledge that KPMG Peat Marwick has entered into this Agreement as agent for and on behalf of the Vendors and that the Vendors are entitled to enforce in their own name any and all provisions of this Agreement .
16 Pack with cardboard or with hard-backed envelopes and make sure that there are no paper clips to pierce the prints and that the address is not written on top of them in ballpoint pen !
17 It is becoming more and more likely that the main centres of population exploiting the countryside were in the valleys and that the evidence is largely obscured by later ( or continuously used ? ) settlements on roughly the same sites ( Fig. 57 ) .
18 Well we consider that er pensions er contributions are deferred pay , including the employers contributions erm that the fund should be held on trust by the trustees and that the employer should have no ownership in it whatsoever .
19 Before this game we were told that this was the poorest Irish team in memory , that Irish rugby was in the doldrums and that the swashbuckling French were about to turn on the after-burners and skyrocket into the stratosphere .
20 Many tried simply to deny all memories of the Third Reich or else to question the notion of collective guilt ; others were concerned that the old authoritarian values did survive beneath the surface , that civil servants remained in office despite serving the Nazis and that the basis for a genuine new democracy was not therefore laid after the war .
21 He announced that he would count the passengers and that every ninth one would be thrown overboard .
22 But last night Taylor said : ‘ Our case was that the video showed evidence of contact between the players and that the referee was not in a good position to judge . ’
23 The explanation for this effect is presumably that the very early events in the cascade of memory formation involve electrical activity within the neurons and that the immediate shock disrupts this process ; by the time the delayed shock is given , however , the cascade is already past this phase , and is no longer vulnerable .
24 Moreover , de Groot 's fears , expressed in 1983 , have been reiterated by Emory in 1988 who states that in 1986 some 26023 tourists visited the islands and that the problems of environmental protection are being exacerbated by the influx of mainland Ecuadoreans seeking wealth in the tourist trade .
25 Timothy Sainsbury , the Under-Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office , on March 7 insisted in the British House of Commons that the UK had no intention of giving up sovereignty of the islands and that the issue was not on the political agenda .
26 A defence solicitor said his client would be strenuously denying the charges and that a bail application would be made in the High Court .
27 Mum and Dad could relax knowing that the children were being looked after , that someone else was cooking the meals and that every evening would bring some form of entertainment .
28 After the overthrow of Mossadeq in 1953 , the United States began to replace Britain as the dominant external power in Iran — through many older Iranians ( like Muhammad Behbehanian ) continued to believes for decades that it was the British who really still called the shots and that the Americans were only British stooges .
29 The military government believed elections were imperative to accentuate consolidation of the rightists and that the elections should be followed by the extension of Koreanisation .
30 An official from the New China News Agency office , China 's de facto embassy in Hong Kong , said no progress had been made in the negotiations and that an early solution was not expected .
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