Example sentences of "[art] [adj] and [vb -s] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 On writing about his perfect country house , Baillie Scott is adamantly opposed to the vulgar and proposes what he considers to be the simple open plan way of life : ‘ Having arrived at the central idea of a hall or living room as the keynote of a home it follows naturally that one must group round this the various other rooms … first the ‘ ladies ’ bower'' , the ‘ ‘ drawing-room' ’ as we now call it .
2 Female sexuality and reproduction were seen particularly as representative of the mortality that separates us from the eternal and binds us to temporal corruptible life .
3 The visionary places in the ordinary the elements of the eternal and raises it to a higher plane of reality .
4 The travel agent admits he 's in the wrong and says he 's trying to ensure that Norman Culliford gets at least some of his money back .
5 ‘ That I 'm able to offer specially designed , hand-painted tiling lifts my kitchens out of the ordinary and helps me to market them .
6 This sets him apart from the ordinary and gives him a reason for living .
7 Andrus just pops in to see Sesostris and they have a bit of a chat , not a long one , they do n't even have a cup of coffee , mean bastards , both of them , and then Andrus goes on to the Cashier presumably with Sesostris 's authorization and the Cashier takes the money out of the safe and gives it to him .
8 So , the natural ability goes beyond the physical and manifests itself mentally when players are in the process of play .
9 She recognizes the fact that she loves both Paul and Bernard , but transposes this love onto the plane of the sacred and finds herself released from sexual desire .
10 One part turns on the other and sees it as worthless , leading to the self-reproaches and relentless self-criticism of melancholics .
11 In more anthropomorphic terms , it is as if one of the particles ‘ knows ’ what measurement is being carried out on the other and adjusts its state accordingly .
12 As to state of mind , Raskolnikov lives with his own continuously but inspects it only intermittently , like the rest of us ; whereas the author surveys the whole truth the whole time , so that we never find him wondering whether perhaps Raskolnikov is thinking this or perhaps he is thinking that : a fact which isolates Crime and Punishment among the mature novels , because elsewhere Dostoevsky loves the unsettled and unsettling narrative posture of ‘ perhaps ’ , particularly with his contracting and dilating collective voice , the ‘ we ’ swept by rumour and speculation which arrives in The House of the Dead and reaches its full flowering in The Possessed .
13 She 's a professional and does everything right .
14 She recalled singing in both operas at Boosback as a 16-year-old and says she was amazed to be given the female lead in The Beggars ' and only three weeks in which to learn the words and music !
15 One thing er pu puzzles me a little and gives me a little difficulty , that is erm the addendum refers to an invitation to all baptised members .
16 The need to call police to sort out minor disturbances only skims the surface of a problem that does the name of the club no good and reduces its image to that of second rate .
17 Never be afraid to step out , if it harms no other and gets you your heart 's desire .
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