Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [noun pl] at " in BNC.

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1 Western countries should be prepared to open themselves far wider to East European countries that make a real move to democracy and free markets : let the shameful visa queues at western embassies disappear , welcome Gastarbeiter from these countries , open up to any exports deserving East Europeans are capable of selling in the West 's competitive markets .
2 When war broke out she had been evacuated to foster parents in Yorkshire until the junior art schools at Central , Camberwell and Hammersmith were resettled as the London Art School at Northampton .
3 The assistant lit torches at her head and feet , and the light from these outlined the contours of her dark skin .
4 Among the eight extra nominations by the Scottish women 's AAA rejected by the selectors were sprinter Janise Neilson , a member of the Great Britain relay squad at the Seoul Olympics , and Dawn Kitchen , one of the British 4x400m squad for the European Cup finals at Gateshead .
5 Comparison of the ratio for the two coal types shows the Tertiary coal gases at 0.4–1.0% reflectance to be wetter .
6 Ragworm was again the successful bait fished over the extensive lugworm beds at Evening Hill .
7 The professional teaching associations at all levels of the educational system objected to many of the Bill 's provisions , and a joint rally and lobby of Parliament was organised .
8 Once the product and marketing managers have gained the company a foothold in such markets , it will be up to production and operations management to produce and deliver the right quality goods at the budgeted cost .
9 Richard Wollenberg , chairman of Cardiff Properties , informed ACCOUNTANCY that the assured tenancy companies at present run by Cardiff Properties adopt what the directors believe to be the correct policy — to value the properties on a current open market basis with vacant possession .
10 I looked up at the jumble of rooftops with their abundance of chimney-pots , the florid iron bal-conies at the dormer windows .
11 In the darkness , he could barely make out the wooden boards that had been nailed into place over the shattered window vents at street level , but even down here they could hear the hissing of rain on the pavements outside and the grumbling of thunder in the sky .
12 In each case , Tab and Dez remain constant ( though secondary Tabs may change ) and the movement is simple ; but in the one case the movement produces no additional spatial information while in the other the spatial information changes at the end of the sign .
13 As the Quality Improvement Process becomes more and more a part of C&P 's culture , quality education will naturally become more integrated with the mainstream training programmes at all levels .
14 So why did n't the players attend the usual press conferences at the end of each match ?
15 Despite playing all the usual team games at school it was the game of golf that captivated me .
16 I accept that you do get the usual beer casualties at most gigs — but to sum up such a wide range of fans as parasites is ridiculous .
17 I accept that you do get the usual beer casualties at most gigs — but to sum up such a wide range of fans as parasites is ridiculous .
18 Last year he also coached the Scottish Ladies champions at senior level .
19 The next big step will be the new exhibition of the Scottish Crown Jewels at Edinburgh Castle , which opens next spring .
20 Some noteworthy performances were given at ‘ Sport For All ’ in Hyde Park , the ‘ Festival of Mind and Body ’ at Olympia , and the Scottish KFA celebrations at Kelvin Hall , Glasgow .
21 Either he had to go up to the Broken Hill Ironworks at Newcastle or she had to go down to Canberra to see some official about tariffs or quotas or immigration levels .
22 How refreshing it was to see ordinary , normal-looking dogs after all the fuss and pomposity of the so-called pedigree dogs at Crufts .
23 LAST MONTH both the popular and the scientific press gave much publicity to the possible discovery of a subatomic particle , the so-called W. Physicists at CERN , the European centre for research in particle physics , had found in their highly sophisticated apparatus evidence consistent with the decay of a W particle ( New Scientist , 27 January , p 221 ) .
24 That new portable interpreter for Ken Iverson 's J notation of his APL language ( CI No 2,138 ) is yet another piece of bad news for IBM Corp 's mainframe business , because all the so-called rocket scientists at firms like Morgan Stanley & Co — for whom J developer Roger Hui works — that write the fiendishly clever software that is used in program trading of shares on Wall Street , use the APL language — on IBM mainframes , and J promises to enable the software to moved down to much cheaper RISC-based boxes .
25 It was a personal best performance by a second and a half , and now Matthew is hoping she will still be picked to represent Cleveland in the English Schools Championships at Hull next month .
26 If you 're looking for a beach style holiday Playa Del Ingles must be on your short list — it has over four miles of sandy beach stretching from the centre of town to the high sand dunes at Mas Palomas , with plenty of seclusion for those who favour the all over tanning method .
27 suggested that the high lake levels at 13510kyr represent a humid climate during the glacial-interglacial transition of stages 6–5 in the marine 18 O record .
28 That planning has been poor is more the fault of the economy than BR , the high interest rates at the end of 1989 being seen as likely to repeat the recession of 1981 out of which we climbed so painfully .
29 A splendid , concise article in your Apr 26 Business section alerted me to the underhand profiteering of at least one of the high street banks at its farmer customers ' expense before the scandal broke in the national press and before the Chancellor of the Exchequer carpeted the bank bosses .
30 The top union officials at the company are ready to take a softly , softly approach : the worker committees , they say , can be ‘ transitioned ’ into the unions ' care .
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