Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] they have been " in BNC.

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1 The parents were outraged ; the managers had got the opportunity they had been waiting for .
2 They see a car coming from the direction they 've been told , and remember , it 's after one in the morning .
3 By the time Iran had attacked a Kuwaiti , a Saudi and then a Liberian tanker ( the last of these caught near the principal Saudi terminal at Ras Tanura ) , the GCC states had begun to recognize this sequence — as it was doubtless intended — as a signal to distance themselves from Iraq in the light of the support they had been providing for Baghdad .
4 If he is lying , however , they deserved all the shit they 've been put through — and a lorry load more .
5 Patients presenting with clinical evidence of gastrointestinal haemorrhage were endoscoped urgently , the source of bleeding identified , and appropriate treatment instituted including endoscopic sclerotherapy irrespective of which arm of the trial they had been randomised to .
6 They use the money they have been given to buy services from hospitals or community units either in their own districts or elsewhere .
7 The Swindon success story is n't just on the field … off the field they 've been rebuilding too … the overdraft is below a million … but the world of football the town of Swindon still wonders if the County Ground could cope could afford the premier league …
8 ‘ We take a serious view of any company failing to comply with the terms of the contract they have been awarded . ’
9 The company makes parts such as landing gear and propellors for the airospace industry — hard hit by the recession they 've been forced to streamline their operation , shedding three hundred and twenty four jobs .
10 Mordecai had said that he usually approached the shop through the bazaar , and that was the side they had been watching .
11 The classroom was the warehouse they 'd been in before .
12 All the seats had been taken , but once Myeloski had waved his warrant-card at the ticket-desk they had been given seats .
13 Once again there was a flurry of bodies from the doorway they had been defending and another charge .
14 No one was jumping for joy because they 'd finally got the piece they 'd been searching for for years .
15 All the buying they 've been doing must be starting to hurt .
16 Maybe this was the break they had been waiting for .
17 All over Spain , rebel officers put into action the plan they had been elaborating since December of the previous year .
18 Conference , if you think back to all those times that you have sat at home watching the news after a day 's work like I have , and listen carefully to what is being said , you may well have been horrified and saddened to hear the many stories appertaining to people who have had accidents or died due to the fact that the machine they have been driving has been too powerful .
19 And with Teddy Sheringham , back at the City ground for the first time since his move to Spurs , and Durie performing like statues , Forest quickly found the self-belief they have been lacking .
20 Since entering the wood they had been in severe anxiety .
21 Chris described to her in painstaking detail the story of the cartoon they 'd been watching .
22 It was to avoid this last couple that Hugh unexpectedly asked her to dance , which they did unsuccessfully , their bodies unused to performing together , and Molly keeping to the shadows in case the children should spot them and never be able to forgive the embarrassment they had been caused .
23 Lead miners in the northern Pennines were earning 10s ( 50p ) a week by 1797 and 11s 6d ( 57½p ) by 1815 , whereas before the war they had been earning 7s 6d ( 37½p ) ; a money-wage increase of around 50 per cent over the war years seems indicated , implying a real-wage fall of about 10 per cent .
24 There was restrained optimism among Wickham 's team that this could be the lead they had been waiting for .
25 Over his shoulder he saw the looming shape of Arthur Dooley , the main singer of the group they 'd been listening to .
26 As a child the continuous moves had taught Eva to leave behind the place they had been and give herself to the new .
27 In the case of the powerpack they have been greatly influenced by the work of Professor Thring and his colleagues , and have proposed a hybrid powerpack which would make the best use of an internal combustion engine and electric motor and would reduce fuel consumption by some 50% and toxic emissions by 80% .
28 In the beginning they had been manly contests of strength and skill , strictly conducted to emphasize the virtues of morality , honour and courtesy .
29 They rightly deserve the publicity they 've been getting and the pats on the back .
30 The powerful midfielder , Mauro Silva , was the playmaker they had been looking to build the team around .
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