Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] i [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ Oh ! ’ was caused by a flash of insight ; it seemed like an answer to the prayer I had not prayed , the prayer I had only thought .
2 The ‘ Oh ! ’ was caused by a flash of insight ; it seemed like an answer to the prayer I had not prayed , the prayer I had only thought .
3 I was amazed and terrified at the change I had so casually brought about in her .
4 But before he got into his aircraft to complete his detail he presented 20 piastres to Fagan , Fagan looked at the 20 piastres — and the 20 piastre piece was a great thing like a cartwheel , very large and bigger by far than an old-fashioned crown , some 2-2 ½ ″ wide , Fagan looked at this and the doctor said : I am sorry about the shit I blew over everybody — there is my fine , " Fagan looked at it and said " Doe , the fine was only 10 piastres . "
5 " 10 is for the shit I blew over you and 10 is for the shit I am just about to blow over you , Good-day sir . "
6 I tell you what I , the hedging I liked too , is if you can have a hedging that comes , you know , some of the garden centres sell them that you got something every month of the year
7 At that time of the afternoon I knew only Lisabeth would be home , so I was n't too worried .
8 You see , I promised myself that all the money I earned out there in Australia should go to you !
9 Some British armoured cars came and began shooting from a distance , and in the chaos I shouted out to four or five brother officers and we drove off in a truck .
10 No I missed it , there was no beasts in the field I came down .
11 Although I had ‘ backed up ’ on a floppy disc from the computer I lost both floppy and hard disc record on Friday ( yes 13th ) and it was all my address list — twenty pages this size of single line entries and with just a double space between As and Bs and Cs and Ds etc. ; I could have wept but had instead to laugh — only thing to do and a mistake or combination of same that I shall NOT make again .
12 But we should at least notice how the new emphasis on the negative part of conventionalism deflates the hypothesis I mentioned earlier , that the negative part supports the political ideal of protected expectations by marking off cases in which that ideal can not be satisfied .
13 The contract I signed legally binds the station as much as it does me .
14 The bit I liked best , ’ says Phil , ‘ was when you prodded the pig and told it about the unfairness of micro-organisms .
15 I muttered thanks and as she disappeared to the kitchen I stepped up to the sitting room door , knocked rather timidly and entered .
16 A dip in the hill , much like those at Sulber Nick and Kirkby Nick , led over the crest by an outcrop and as I walked out from the dip I saw ahead of me Raydale with , to my left , Semer Water and Addlebrough behind it .
17 ‘ Actually , ’ says she , exaggerating the poshness I had not realised was in the word .
18 At the university I came out from my shell .
19 That was the story I had later from one of her flatmates .
20 ‘ I intend writing the story I came here to find . ’
21 Like the driver I knew where we were going without being told .
22 This is even more true if we wish to make generalisations of the kind I examined above with regard to the relative logic , objectivity and neutrality of whole systems .
23 closely followed by Dennis Irwin , Terry Phelan , Andy Linighan , Scott Sellars Loads of them , Sunderland twice , Chester , Colchester , Bristol City , Watford The worst must be Oxford 4–1 1983–4 , and 5–2 1984–5 , bcause of the stick I took Also when we lost a home game to Spurs 2–1 in 1978–79 , Spurs played half the with 10 men ( Miller sent off ) and Hoddle in goal because of injury .
24 The champagne I spurned so imperiously …
25 It seemed like every time I went out to walk the course I came back with wet feet . "
26 Although I was upset by the old lady 's words , I followed her advice , and in the weeks before the wedding I went on teaching Adèle as usual .
27 The dog refused to budge , so , instructing the two older girls to hold tight to the younger , I heaved up the 196lb of stubborn fur and staggered to the railing I went down to extricate my struggling son and carried him upwards followed by shrieking pleas of , ‘ Daddy , do n't leave us ’ and ‘ I want a carry ’ , from the frantic tadpole in charge of two red-faced little girls who were now starting to show signs of stain and filling tear-ducts .
28 I was glad then that he did not know the subject of the talk I had just given at the conference — the possibility that space-time was finite but had no boundary , which means that it had no beginning , no moment of Creation .
29 For the wear I got out of it , I probably should have paid half the price .
30 All those long nights when I had sat in the canteen I had never realized what was happening just a few yards away on the Tartan track .
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