Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] a number [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A letter sent to shareholders by the club 's legal adviser , Gordon Marshall , makes it clear that during the action a number of concessions had been obtained from the Deans family .
2 Once clear of the Swamp a number of minor paths led off to left and right .
3 After the theft a number of the Tretyakov 's curators condemned the gallery 's exhibition policy , calling it ‘ unworthy of a prestige gallery ’ , leading the Ministry of Culture to audit the foreign exhibition activities of all Soviet museums .
4 Sometimes it is awkward because with all the excitement you tend to go to the lavatory a number of times before the race , which leads to difficulty later on .
5 Section 5(3) affords to the defendant a number of defences relating to lack of fault that are not available on a charge under section 4 .
6 Ershad 's weakened position was revealed on Dec. 3 when he made a national broadcast offering the opposition a number of concessions , including simultaneous parliamentary and presidential elections in June 1991 .
7 I have included in the review a number of quite lengthy verbatim quotations .
8 Apart from the canvases which had been found they brought the gallery a number of landscapes as a gift .
9 Kirchhoff reasoned that cooler elements in the outer layers of the Sun would absorb energy according to the same pattern ; and accordingly he identified in the Sun a number of elements found upon the Earth .
10 Incidentally , the P-40 in the RAF Museum at Hendon was based on a picture my father had of FX760 ‘ GA- ? ’ which I had donated to the Museum a number of years ago for such a display .
11 At corner Inn the ostlers were the only visible representatives , and the doors were still closed ; but at the village a number of the natives were astir , and came to a little stone pier where a boat 's crew were exchanging for the coin of the realm the sparkling treasure netted in the night season , and many of the lodgers would have the freshest of fresh herrings waiting them for breakfast .
12 On the LME a number of firms hold themselves out and behave as market makers without the legally enforceable obligation to quote prices described above .
13 Instead there has been something of a supermarket approach : according to the interests of the teacher a number of packages have been bought off the shelves and put in the course trolley .
14 After the war a number of volumes of his collected poems were published , the most notable being Rough Rhymes of a Padre ( 1918 ) , Peace Rhymes of a Padre ( 1920 ) , Songs of Faith and Doubt ( 1922 ) , and The Unutterable Beauty ( 1927 ) .
15 Around the lid a number of small holes can be drilled for the water to pass through into the jar .
16 Indeed it is perhaps a pity that he did not take his own advice , after writing in the New Guide ‘ for the author of the present work might with greater ease , and probably with more advantage to himself , have worked up for the amusement of the eye a number of drawings and paintings during the time he has been engaged in this matter of mere utility ’ .
17 Kakilashvili said : ‘ We had received a letter from UEFA instructing us to cover expenses for referees , so on the eve of the match a number of officials presented four envelopes to the referee ( and linesmen ) .
18 Nukri Kakilashvili , a member of the Georgian soccer federation , said on national television : ‘ We received a letter from UEFA instructing us to cover expenses for referees , so on the eve of the match a number of officials presented four envelopes to the referee and linesmen .
19 Between us and the lagoon a number of rivers made their way seaward .
20 The House of Lords confirmed this rule in Cunningham ( 1981 ) : D struck his victim on the head a number of times with a chair , causing injuries from which the victim died a week later .
21 After end of the strike a number of striking teachers were not reinstated and many of these were said to have left the country to seek work in Botswana .
22 One contained only an empty ammunition box , the other a number of receipts from firearms dealers and some guarantee cards .
23 Straight after the event a number of teams came forward offering materials to assist in the construction of a new raft .
24 In the questionnaire a number of strategies were listed which had been cited by the teachers interviewed during its development , together with some included at the request of the LEA .
25 Nevertheless , when she disappeared for a week without saying anything to Katrine who was her closest friend , Katrine went round to the flat a number of times , thinking she must be ill .
26 The movement of the tongue is easily felt if one repeats the diphthong a number of times in succession : /dei/ day , /meik/ make .
27 He walked around the block a number of times to check all of the approaches , any possible escape route , then he picked up some hot coffee and a sticky croissant and settled in a doorway to watch .
28 This series restores to the catalogue a number of outstanding performances by the pianist Michel Béroff .
29 The 85-year-old , who will be at tonight 's concert , says he has heard the music a number of times .
30 As the old woman pushed the hand-cart across the yard a number of children scampered from various heaps to gather around her , gabbling .
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