Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He took her hand , lifting it to his lips , brushing his mouth softly across the palm , until her whole being shivered with the intimacy of the contact .
2 Each offers a unique atmosphere , from the grandeur of the Renaissance Palace at Stirling Castle to the intimacy of the Gallery at Aberdour Castle .
3 Firstly , one comes to notice the title , ‘ 73 ’ , which appears rather perplexingly anonymous considering the intimacy of the poem .
4 But if she takes her job too seriously , and acts in this way towards her own children at home , she will lose the intimacy of the relationship and seem a very impersonal and unkind mother .
5 He justified his secrecy to himself as a necessary precaution , but , lying somewhat deeper , there was a wish to preserve the intimacy of the link with Heather that they represented , a desire to conceal both his possession of them and his pursuit of what they meant .
6 The intimacy of the Stuart brothers with George III was much disliked by the House of Commons .
7 There was something about the moment and the intimacy of the setting that was driving Merrill to a sharp crest of awareness .
8 Yes , Erika had enjoyed it , very much so ; the proud little manager , looking at the other guests , the intimacy of the talk with her mother , and , knowing her mother 's pride in her children , she had been touched by her concern about the special sports school .
9 Lying in bed , Pilade still asleep in her arms , she remembered the journeys she had made with the Brownings and the pleasure the intimacy of the carriage had given her .
10 Her lips parted , inviting him to deepen the intimacy of the kiss .
11 But nothing could have prepared her for the intimacy of the pictures .
12 The intimacy of the enforcement relationship is a characteristic of compliance systems where the control of a distinct population of potential violators is directed to ‘ organizations or persons in organized activities [ rather ] than to individuals apart from them ’ ( Reiss , 1980:31 ) .
13 The war vindicated the anti-German tone of the tariff campaign , the calls for a stronger navy , the demands for national service , and the defence of the army .
14 To everyone 's amazement , she rushed to the defence of the driver who , in ferrying her to and from the course at Cely , had been so late on the second day as to put her in real fear of missing her starting time .
15 The defence of the zone is organized jointly by the FMLN forces and the popular militias , The political and social organization is in the hands of the Popular Power Councils , elected through the Popular Assemblies :
16 A further example of this caginess was the list of companies that refused to be interviewed for a Today Tonight programmed on gold mining in March 1990 : Riofinex , Glencar , Feltrim 's Conor Haughey and Navan Resources all refused to be interviewed for the programme , leaving the defence of the mining industry in the hands of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy , Ennex International and a speaker from Tara Mines , rather than Tara Prospecting .
17 The power of traditional chiefs and the urban elite was replaced by Committees for the Defence of the Revolution in every village and workplace .
18 Committees for the Defence of the Revolution were set up in villages and workplaces to mobilize local support .
19 Elections to the Assembly on May 28 , 1989 [ see p. 36648 ] , once again returned the ruling Vanguard of the Malagasy Revolution ( Antoky Ny Revolosiona Malagasy/Avantgarde de la révolution malgache — Arema ) with an overwhelming majority of the 137 seats , despite the formation of an opposition democratic alliance within the mandatory framework of the National Front for the Defence of the Revolution ( Front national pour la défence de la révolution — FNDR ) .
20 Sixto Batista Santana , a veteran of international missions in Africa , who was also appointed co-ordinator of the Committees for the Defence of the Revolution ( in place of Armando Acosta ) .
21 Until March 1990 all political parties were obliged to belong to the Front national pour la défence de la révolution ( FNDR — National Front for the Defence of the Revolution ) .
22 In general , many of these inquiries were motivated by the need for what we would now regard as manpower planning , especially to do with the defence of the realms concerned .
23 Moreover — and this must indeed have given the legate food for reflection — Anselm said he was too busy with the defence of the part of the country which the king had committed to his care , to have a meeting with the legate .
24 Armed forces : The Netherlands is responsible for the defence of the Netherlands Antilles .
25 Armed forces : the Netherlands is responsible for the defence of the Netherlands Antilles .
26 But on the following day he had shaved the red stubble from his chin , was wearing a cleaner shirt , and was once more beginning to adopt a stern and over-bearing expression The Magistrate continued to give the orders which regulated the defence of the enclave , but in a subdued tone , as if referring them to the final authority of the Collector , should he wish to exercise it .
27 A previously unknown organization calling itself the Organization for the Defence of the Rights of Prisoners and Detainees had issued a statement claiming responsibility for Leyraud 's abduction , describing him as a French intelligence officer and threatening that he would be executed if another hostage was released .
28 The relief of the town 's Alcazar , the military barracks where the Nationalist garrison was under siege from left-wing militias , while earning Franco the world 's headlines and assisting his elevation to overall military and political command , also gave the Republicans precious time in which to organize the defence of the capital .
29 Chamoun directed the defence of the village before being evacuated by helicopter .
30 The Christian Democratic Popular Republican Movement ( MRP ) had been formed in November 1944 as a new reformist party , but one committed to the defence of the individual in society .
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