Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] she have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But , to her relief , the voice that greeted her from the other side of the oak door , though indistinct , was that of the porter she had met so briefly the evening before .
2 ‘ I do n't see why you ca n't come to me until your dream man comes along , ’ he said , and she wanted to hit him , all the sympathy she had felt drowning in his sarcasm .
3 So if a child gets spoken to in a fairly direct way by imagine a female child by her father and the same female child gets spoken to in a not so direct way be her mother , then even of this The child is likely to both version , she 'll grow up using female variety because she 's she can affiliate herself with her mother and I mean she knows that is the variety she 's expected to use .
4 The Doctor peered in the direction she had indicated .
5 And furthermnore , as O'Keeffe continued the direction she had set for her art in 1923 , various critics accentuated their assessments of her work with words such as ‘ courageous ’ , ‘ imaginative ’ , ‘ introspective ’ , and ‘ original ’ — all having traditionally ‘ masculine ’ connotations .
6 She was utterly shocked when he put her firmly from him and she saw him button the shirt she had succeeded in undoing .
7 She sat down in front of it and looked at the half-page she had typed that morning .
8 Inside , in the warm living room , with a glass of chilled dry wine to drink and Mozart to listen to on the CD , she was far from the tiredness she had claimed earlier .
9 By the end , by the end of the afternoon she 'd done it all .
10 By the end of the afternoon she had replaced her wardrobe from top to tail , had acquired an evening dress that was out of this world , and had had her hair freshly washed and styled .
11 In the afternoon she had to trust Ruth on the way home .
12 As for the money she 'd planned on saving — how could she ?
13 All she had taken out of Ireland when she had fled had been the money she had made there and her trade — and her trade was that of a Madam .
14 The money she had drawn out , emptying her account , less than a hundred pounds but better than nothing , was already in her bag .
15 She only had about fifty pence left from the money she had borrowed from her stepfather the day before , but she hoped that the young Italian barman , who fancied her , had not yet been sacked or moved on and would give her a margarita , free .
16 ‘ This is not some countries , ’ retorted my mother , perhaps wondering again whether the money she had spent so that I might learn French and a little grace had been utterly wasted , for I had learned only superstition and discontent .
17 She promised Louis all the money she had earned , and asked him to go to his cousin who would contact the SOE reseau .
18 But I mean , knowing her the the the sa , the money she 's had she will erm certainly look after .
19 Then she sees Trotter 's purse lying open with the money she has cashed from the county welfare .
20 Was he referring to the damage she had inflicted on his car ?
21 Because that was the plus side — the progress she 'd made , on the slenderest of evidence .
22 While she struggles to find an acceptable equilibrium in her life , she acknowledges the progress she has made .
23 It was the red-head she 'd seen in town .
24 Despite herself , and probably because she was still feeling the effects of the whisky she 'd taken before going to bed , Rory began to giggle .
25 It was all the whisky she 'd had .
26 He was moved and promising miracles , the recovery of things lost , the wholeness and holiness of things profaned ; but the faith she had professed was perhaps no more than a conviction that the star of the Prince of Aberffraw would not fail him , and that God would humour him and not cheat him of the fulfilment of his vow .
27 Cos the accent she 's got is London .
28 For his part , Branson was within his rights to insist that Wilson abide by the contract she had signed , but he agreed to renegotiate .
29 In her letter she told him about her job , her salary and the contract she had won yesterday .
30 It was the decision she 'd made on the silent journey back to the hotel , and one she intended to keep .
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