Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] on [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have used the tent on many occasions and apart from the usual condensation most nylon flysheets produce , it has given excellent performance .
2 Did he take the opportunity on that occasion to co-ordinate the campaign of lies and vilification that the Rothermere press has been conducting against the Labour party ?
3 He should be given the opportunity on reasonable notice to inspect the same .
4 The majority on this diet , however , actually made a point of saying they never felt hungry , were able to eat similar foods to their family and never felt deprived .
5 Elected councillors form the majority on these committees and have ultimate authority and responsibility for them , although in practice the education officers , who remain in post while councillors come and go , are often very influential .
6 And when we hear Elvis slapping the back of the guitar on those records , it was simply his exuberance …
7 Tom Mangold 's book on the mad CIA guru , James Jesus Angleton , was raising the fur on numerous Washington backs .
8 The appendix on useful verbs should come in handy for those not up on adventure jargon , but be careful with the address section — a lot of them are now out of date so be prepared for some lack of response in some cases .
9 Stephen O'Brien , Director of Business in the Community , who has accompanied the Prince on numerous visits to inner city slums , has seen what happens when he arrives :
10 Miss Owada rebuffed the prince on several occasions ; indeed , winning her hand in marriage required so much pressure that the union , billed as a merger , was rather more like a hostile takeover .
11 BJ Rice & Associates ( LON/91/1370 ) No 7471 illustrates that the provision on continuous services brings danger as well as an advantage .
12 AT&T said it expected the change on future earnings to be negligible and added that there would be no effect on cash flow .
13 It will also produce an archive of the Working-Set on magnetic tape .
14 Tennis Courts The Secretary of State confirmed the compulsory purchase order and the necessary notice that the order had been confirmed was inserted in the Scotsman on 2nd April .
15 The final part of the compulsory purchase order was published in the Scotsman on 2nd April 1992 and objections on procedural grounds had to be made within 6 weeks .
16 Tennis Courts The Secretary of State confirmed the compulsory purchase order and the necessary notice that the order had been confirmed was inserted in the Scotsman on 2nd April .
17 The final part of the compulsory purchase order was published in the Scotsman on 2nd April 1992 and objections on procedural grounds had to be made within 6 weeks .
18 The survey , revealed in The Scotsman on 13 February , concentrated on three valleys , Yarrow , Ettrick and Borthwick , where about 60,000 ewes on more than 60 farms , is the basis of the whole economy .
19 The hydrofoil entered the harbour , revealing the characteristic wooden docks , with brightly-painted buildings sticking out the fjord on spidery sticks .
20 ‘ I suppose I 've ruined the bike on this grass , ’ she insisted .
21 More and more men were thrown into the struggle on both sides ; even so , it was May before the French were completely cleared from the left bank of the Meuse .
22 US District Court Judge William Hoeveler announced in Miami on March 14 that the trial on drugs-trafficking charges of former Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega and four co-defendants would begin on Jan. 28 , 1991 .
23 After a year of legal wrangling the trial on drugs-trafficking charges of former Panamanian leader Gen. Manuel Noriega was set to proceed on June 24 , 1991 .
24 The structure and layout here of the great bathing establishments were not carbon copies of those in Italy ; many were more extensive and elaborate and their design was affected by the existence on most sites of the Hellenistic gymnasium which , in itself , had become a sophisticated layout , providing not only facilities for gymnastic exercise , but also social , artistic and educational activities .
25 Lille 's mayor confirmed an agreement with Tour de France organisers for Lille to stage the prologue on 2 July followed by the first stage to Armentieres the next day .
26 Structural innovation , a horizontal emphasis , marked angularity , splintered melody and the admission on equal terms of difficult intervals such as the tritone signalled a move into uncharted territory .
27 These accounts were approved by the Board on 15th July 1991 .
28 The late Earl of Iveagh and Lord Macfarlane of Bearsden retired from the Board on 27 May 1992 , and Sir Anthony Tennant on 31 December 1992 .
29 B.D. Patterson , who was appointed to the Board on 17 September 1992 , now retires in accordance with the articles of association and , being eligible , will offer himself for election .
30 Some at least of those corrections and qualifications were amongst the matters considered by the board on 26 March 1991 .
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