Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] i have not " in BNC.

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1 I 'm always sitting thinking if I had n't got them , I 'd be thinking now was it on the card I have n't got you know
2 In the result I have not been persuaded that any doubt has been cast upon principles which are soundly directed as being both desirable and reasonable and which furthermore have for long been firmly established by authority .
3 Oh no , then it goes to the rehearsals , that 's the bit of the script I have n't done .
4 I would n't let is pass without thanking you which is the reason for this note because at the moment I have n't got that much spare time on my hands to thank you in person .
5 I suppose you get used to it , but at the moment I have n't got to do it .
6 Lovely , now me , I 'm an ex-M A T S A member , I 'm in the security industry , at the moment I have n't got a section , so what am I a Bosnian , a Serbian or a Croatian I do n't know .
7 At the moment I have n't
8 I mean perhaps the point I have n't brought out , which was another enormous effect from the mixed ability teaching , or the mixed ability grouping , was the improvement in the pupils erm behaviour .
9 Perhaps the point I have n't brought out , which was another enormous effect from the mixed ability teaching , or the mixed ability grouping , was the improvement in the pupils ' behaviour .
10 ‘ How do you like Englishmen ? ’ — ‘ To tell the truth I have n't tried one yet , ’ replied Bardot .
11 To tell you the truth I have n't thought that far ahead . ’
12 Erm and also there are in the top I have n't got a ladder , I ca n't show you now , some of the numbering cos they numbered the bays in in roman letters , one , two , three , four , five , six , seven .
13 right so I mean there 's , there 's obviously more need to be thought through on that and the video I have n't , oh I have done something more about the video
14 I packed it in I thought what 's the use I have n't got enough confidence
15 You did the phoning I have n't got a clue .
16 I mean , there could I mean I think the House of Commons is now some way past in in my life in the sense I have n't been there since er June .
17 It 's four from the letter I have n't reduced anything yet .
18 Some of the material I have n't seen , of course , because the government has n't even shown me all of the material .
19 I said oh , it 's a pity I have n't then .
20 Oh the pictures , it 's a pity I have n't got some .
21 In my experience I c if I do a plan I have n't got enough time to write the essay .
22 Sometimes on the morning after a match I have n't even been able to put my socks on because of painful ankles , ’ the 34-year-old said last night .
23 Wait a minute I have n't seen it yet .
24 When I want to sit down and have a cigarette I have n't got any .
25 Yeah cos I ai n't got a form I have n't filled out a form , well I have , but I ai n't got it back .
26 There is quite a lot I have n't got .
27 that was in this week 's and it was a stag I have n't got this week 's , not out today
28 That is to say , the superposition of a state with an electron " here " and a state with an electron " there " does not produce a state with an electron at some point in between " here " or " there " but a state in which the electron can be found either " here " or " there " , with probabilities which depend ( in a way I have not defined but which is capable of precise specification -see Appendix , AS ) on the balance between the two states .
29 He inclines his head in a way I have not seen .
30 ‘ I tell you this , Mr Millet , two or three years ago I would n't have had the time to sit down and chatter about a chap I have n't seen for more than a year .
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