Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] and [vb -s] you " in BNC.

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1 You will then be visited about every five days by a nurse who collects the milk and leaves you with a fresh supply of bottles .
2 onto the rail and offers you the last fruit ,
3 He is delighted when your system of study and preparation checkmates the standards set by the College and allows you to progress .
4 Marriage breakdowns — if your partner has been paying the rent and leaves you , you may still be protected from eviction ; a solicitor will help .
5 Thanks for the laughter and smiles you gave everyone ,
6 That 's what pulls in the sail and makes you faster .
7 For this zone you use the priority microphone which automatically cuts the amplification in the disco and allows you to address the nightclub guests .
8 ‘ What happens if the giant eel just leaps out the water and gobbles you up ? ’
9 You bolt on the tail and wings you 've been towing behind on a trailer , flip a couple of switches on the dashboard , and then find a strip of flat land to take off from .
10 Patting the mare , he said , ‘ She says she regrets the incident and asks you to forget it . ’
11 ’ ‘ The aroma leaps out of the glass and assaults you while your senses wallow in big good fruit and a long , long finish . ' ’ '
12 The latter shows the immensity of the structure and lets you ‘ walk though the Tunnel ’ .
13 BM forces you to stop relying on vague notions about the problem and requires you to be very specific .
14 If you are receiving the manual and updates you will have already heard from us , if not why not investigate this excellent product .
15 Sometimes a piece of outdoor clothing comes on the market and leaves you with such mixed feelings it 's hard to know where to start a review .
16 He 's picked you out of the pack and thinks you can win the Open . ’
17 It makes a change and gets you out of the house . ’
18 If you want a career that ensures that you will not be bored , will be stretched to your full capacity every day and allows you to be yourself , as well as earn a good salary at a general manager level — £30,000 a year — you could do a lot worse than the hotel and catering industry .
19 In a letter the Chief Executive of RSNC , The Wildlife Trust Partnership , Tim Cordy , tells Middlesbrough : ‘ The designation is both an accolade and a challenge and acknowledges you for the contributions which already you have made towards environmental improvement , and the future plans you have to encourage sustainable development . ’
20 If your father is a millionaire and gives you a five pound note for your birthday , then you might feel a little hard done by ; such a gift would be given out of his riches ; it would n't be according to his riches .
21 So got a special pass because you 're a firearms officer which is essentially deals with your authorisation to have a gun and reminds you of the law .
22 everyone clusters appreciatively round your partner at a party and ignores you
23 And that 's what I call a real bargain : something that 's an improvement and saves you money .
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