Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] of [noun pl] at " in BNC.

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1 Another general observation worth making is that , whereas in the past the majority of students at British colleges were likely to be male ( except perhaps on specialized vocational courses such as fashion design , hairdressing or nursing ) , higher and further education in Britain now attracts almost equal numbers of men and women students .
2 In fact , the majority of attenders at day hospitals and day care centres are long-term service users .
3 ‘ My staff are more highly trained than the majority of officers at other prisons in this country .
4 After scooping the majority of prizes at the event the 24-man-troupe found themselves being booked for other carnivals which led to a whole summer 's bookings in 1990 .
5 I 'll bet you 'll find that the majority of shops at
6 The government 's 1991 budget proposal [ see p. 37178 ] envisaged an allocation of $295,000 million for defence , a 2.6 per cent decrease on the 1990 actual level in real terms , and envisaged the closure of 35 domestic and 13 overseas military bases as well as the reduction of forces at a further 200 bases .
7 Because of the variety of possibilities at each move , the ability to predict who will win from a given move becomes less and less reliable , the longer the game has to run after that move .
8 The expanding national collection of case studies highlights the variety of outcomes at all levels and in particular features examples of placements for industrialists in education organised as part of the service .
9 ‘ Although we started with cleaning services , we 're now extending the voucher system to other personal care areas , like bathing , more intensive care services and especially to the provision of services at night , possibly using independent agencies .
10 However , it is also clear that such projections can only inform policymaking rather than dictate it and there remains a need for clear national guidelines on the provision of places at all levels of education .
11 Instances are the lending of constables on the occasion of large gatherings in and outside private premises , as on the occasions of weddings , athletic or boxing contests or race meetings , and the provision of constables at large railway stations .
12 It is more probable that they were cited soon after deposit , but that the coverage of SCI at this time did not extend to those journals in which the citations occurred .
13 Perhaps the most crucial part of the golf swing is the change of directions at the top of the backswing .
14 These discussions were not , perhaps , made any easier by the change of ministers at the DES in September 1981 when Sir Keith Joseph became Secretary of State and William Waldegrave his junior minister with responsibility for higher education .
15 The course uses specialists facilities and draws upon the expertise of lecturers at both the Polytechnic of Central London and South Bank Polytechnic .
16 Previously chairman of the board of studies at Durham University Business School , he will be responsible for several courses including the Master of Business Administration degree .
17 David Tory , the president of the Open Software Foundation , has added another directorship to his CV , joining the board of directors at Service Systems International Ltd where he sits alongside an old colleague , chairman of the board Sam Goodner .
18 A policyholder who called at Croydon branch recalled an occasion years earlier when he was summoned to appear before the Board of Directors at London Office because he notified the Society of his intention to take up an appointment in Singapore .
19 ‘ Other than that it is a matter for the board of governors at each school . ’
20 In 1960 , Hugh Greene , a member of the Board of Governors at the BBC , had abruptly dismissed the claim that ITV was as much a public service body as the BBC , cynically despatching its press tag as ‘ the people 's Television ’ .
21 Dr Rab Telfer has been elected to succeed Mr Richard Lines as chairman of the board of governors at Teesside Polytechnic .
22 A candidate may present information , relevant to his examination performance which , in his view , was not in the possession of the Board of Examiners at the time of the Board 's initial decision about his academic progress .
23 David Lee , deputy director of the Imperial War Museum at Duxford has become a member of the board of trustees at the Yorkshire Air Museum at Elvington near York .
24 The story of St Wulstan 's Hospital forms a fascinating footnote to the narrative of events at Powick , which illustrates that Worcester Health Authority was as much locally impelled to rationalize mental health services , as pushed to do so by the centre .
25 Vehicle lighting systems could be improved too , though it is true to say that much could also be gained by improving the conspicuity of pedestrians at night and in fog and rain .
26 Salisbury had remarked in 1911 that " whatever your own opinions , the Conservative party can only assimilate change gradually " , and this was certainly so in the case of personnel at the top .
27 Where opportunities for controlling situations and events in a more organized sense are constricted as in the case of women at home — it is logical to assume that power to exert control through gossip becomes relatively more important .
28 While it is true to say that there is no simple relation of general application in the case of materials at large strains there are certain general principles which have been formulated by the theoreticians and which in particular cases lead to expressions capable of experimental test .
29 According to Trudgill ( 1986 : 37 ) it is " salient features of the target variety that are adjusted to , except that , in the case of adults at least , a number of factors combine to delay this modification to different extents " .
30 For present purposes it is sufficient to note that the expression embraces the period of two years prior to the onset of insolvency in the case of transactions at an undervalue and of preferences given to a person connected with the company , provided that at the time of the transaction the company was unable to pay its debts or it became unable to pay its debts by reason of the transaction .
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