Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] be to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The schoolmistress was ‘ quite inefficient ’ and was also to go , but the porter was to be admonished only .
2 It applies whenever the defendant raises the defences of justification and fair comment , and will apply if the defence is to be qualified privilege unless the evidence of malice is so overwhelming that no reasonable jury would sustain the privilege .
3 Therefore , the NZSA is to be commended for proposing the SCFW in an attempt to persuade entities to deal with some of the historical cost system 's deficiencies .
4 The remainder were to be preserved or put to other uses , but delays in reaching decisions often meant that the buildings had been severely vandalised by the time they were available for conversion .
5 Half of the amount was destined for housing , public works and other economic assistance , while the remainder was to be made up of export assistance and trade benefits .
6 F7,000 million of this was to be repaid over six years ( with a three-year grace period ) , while the remainder was to be paid back by the end of 1989 .
7 The remainder was to be raised by the issuing of one-year bonds which would be redeemed by smaller tax increases than originally proposed .
8 Half the country 's state enterprises were to be privatized by end-1993 , a large proportion of the remainder was to be converted into wholly state-owned joint stock companies , competition was to be promoted , agriculture modernized , a sound banking system created , and a modern tax and budgetary system implemented .
9 Under the agreement half of the Chimanes forest was designated a " permanent production zone " i.e. available for " sustainable forestry " , while the remainder was to be a research area .
10 Planning permission will be required if the height of the ridge is to be raised , or if a dormer window is added to a roof slope which fronts onto a highway , and roof alterations caused by loft conversions will certainly require approval under the Building Regulations .
11 Even when , sixteen years later in 1833 , he saw in trade unionism the instrument through which to establish industrial democracy , the change was to be painless , to steal upon the country unaware , ‘ like a thief in the night ’ .
12 The protein part of the LDL reacts with another protein in the membrane of the tissue , where the cholesterol is to be off-loaded , rather like a key fitting into a lock .
13 the view of the traffic planners here is that if the bike is to be seen as a realistic substitute to the car over distances of up to two km , then every point must be made accessible to it .
14 Since ‘ not the Government , only persons can have responsibility ’ , the struggle was to be waged in the constituencies , against individual MPs .
15 The opening day of the trial was to be devoted to legal arguments and Mr Beltrami , Moira , Meehan and myself turned up at the Courts of Justice to hear them .
16 The out of court settlement made two days before the trial was to be heard has been hailed as a legal milestone by the Spinal Injuries Association .
17 Even if the stocking were to be woven from the finest feasible tubing , it would be a cumbersome garment with its compressed-air bottles and controller .
18 The trick is to be fully aware of the range of conditions one is likely to encounter and then to select the clothes which offer the greatest versatility and which will cope with the harshest of these conditions .
19 The prompt indicates which of the syllables of the sentence is to be the tonic syllable ( ie carrying the main stress ) .
20 In the early stages of learning karate , the sensei will give verbal commands in Japanese and the final word of each command will be the area of the body to which the technique is to be applied .
21 Further research has been conducted at Silsoe this year and the technique is to be displayed at the European Grassland Demonstration at Stoneleigh in May .
22 The donation is to be paid in full by the company over a period of three years .
23 The provision of 26 places in the morning and another 26 in the afternoon is to be discussed by Durham County Council 's schools sub-committee on Wednesday .
24 The King 's death must be concealed if the throne is to be secured for Queen Flavia .
25 Perhaps the only disappointment is that the money is to be shared equally , when a winning bonus would give the event the edge it deserves .
26 Software is where the money is to be made .
27 Although the school does not receive its budget share in actual cash , it is still free to decide exactly how the money is to be spent .
28 Debtor-creditor-supplier versus debtor-creditor : the first category involves the supplier in the transaction ( for instance , HP , trading checks , credit cards , shop accounts , and even personal loans where the money is to be used for a particular purchase and the supplier of that purchase is involved in the loan agreement ) ; the second does n't involve suppliers of potential or actual purchases in any way ( for instance , bank overdrafts , most personal loans ) .
29 In due course , I shall discuss with my right hon. and learned Friend the Chief Secretary to the Treasury exactly from where the money is to be found within existing resources .
30 The money was to be invested at interest within two years of Whitbread 's death .
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