Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [coord] you must " in BNC.

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1 You will be given plenty of practice on the course but you must take every opportunity to build on your strengths and overcome your weaknesses .
2 The dry suit is great for winter sailing because you can wear lots of warm layers underneath and the suit keeps them completely dry by means of watertight seals at the wrists and the neck but you must n't forget about the extremities either .
3 ‘ Or is it because you 're the King and you must marry me ? ’
4 Let's take the freesias into the sitting-room and you must have a rest . ’
5 You must start paying five pounds a week by next Tuesday the court usher will give you the address of the court but you must make you send that money every week .
6 We shall come south as soon as possible and review the situation and you must prepare your mind for returning with us until some suitable person can be found to share Bishopstow with you . ’
7 However , one thing that is certain to hold you back in the learning process is a fear of breaking the model and you must conquer this or try something else .
8 RIGHT It is important for a puppy to be made to feel part of the family but you must be consistent in your approach to training .
9 ‘ I 'm a great delegator , but it is important to delegate to those who are capable of carrying through the task and you must have a good report-back system . ’
10 You 're a machine and you must do what you 're told ! ’
11 ‘ If you art hit on the torso , from head to knees but excluding the arms , that is a hit and you must return here for a penalty of five minutes .
12 You must have LIFESPAN DC Operations privilege to submit a DC and you must :
13 He is a very complex man ; he thinks deeply about every role and you must talk to him in great detail .
14 If the stick becomes obstructed that tells you that there is a diversion and you must dig at that point to determine the new direction .
15 If you have a nice circle of friends , professional people mostly , one of them is actually a judge — a judge ! — then there is no cure and you must kill yourself .
16 And you must fight him as an enemy and you must defeat him .
17 So it is with history essays — you can have an opinion but you must back it up with fact or reasons .
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