Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [be] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the limiting case where ( i.e. , a 100 per cent tax on bequests ) , the inequality is that due to the variation in the income of the current generation ( and var[Β] ) , moderated by saving ( if ) .
2 There is no claim to representativeness , and the essence of the technique is that each subject studied , whether it be an individual , a group , an event , or an institution , is treated as a unit on its own .
3 A major factor in the decision was that one of the new UHF transmitters introduced in the switch from VHF overlapped both companies ' areas .
4 While Darwinian processes are likely to be only one of several mechanisms responsible for evolutionary change in form ( there is much debate , which need not concern us here , about the relative contribution of these other mechanisms ) , the point for the present is that all forms of life on earth today are clearly the results of comparable evolutionary pressures over the whole of geological time .
5 The difficulty is that many US corporations neglect to complement an overlapping strategy with the required intensive information processing .
6 What creates the difficulty is that such act or omission preceded and was , therefore , separated in point of time from the birth of the plaintiff in her injured condition .
7 The difficulty is that all the religions of the world have text books which are still studied , which all say that women are stupid , women are wicked , women are property , and women are revolting !
8 The difficulty is that most people seem to believe such an important issue must somehow be supported by public funds , from the Sports Council perhaps .
9 The difficulty is that this is an ex parte application and I can grant ex parte relief for prohibited steps and specific issues but can not ex parte make residence orders .
10 The difficulty is that this poison was added in crystal form ; to dissolve it you need hot water or alcohol .
11 The difficulty was that any additional building — of squash-courts , swimming pool , or even classrooms — could by now only take place at the expense of valuable playing-field space .
12 The contrast is that these Pacific rim countries are investing in tomorrow at a rate of knots .
13 The fiction is that those state agencies are able to and do exert democratic influences ; or at least , they impose a measure of accountability to the public .
14 The other side of the coin is that some of the manufacturing jobs lost in high wage countries have turned up in low wage countries .
15 The hope is that some will find in them food for thought .
16 Thirdly the hope is that some will find Christ .
17 The hope is that these peptides might compete with the virus proteins for binding to the receptor molecules .
18 There is no doubt that the last eighteen months have been short of American patronage for European dealers ( a combined effect of general economic conditions , the aftermath of the Gulf War and the continued high value of the pound against the dollar ) , so the hope is that this year 's focus will bring the Yankee Doodle Dandies to town .
19 The hope was that these negotiations would be aimed at reducing and eventually removing customs duties .
20 The story is that four kings were on a journey to their coronation when , on the way , they wanted to stay at a hotel .
21 The story is that two other clients of Martinez , ’ and Fearnley named two tennis players who were well-known for their skill at ladies ' doubles and notorious within tennis for their lesbian activities , ‘ were detailed to pursue Mary-Ann .
22 Erm the views of the er of the subcommittee are that that this does appear to be er perhaps a practical solution er and at the moment , er we are looking to erm make some of the spaces , certainly in the Church Street car park erm short term , I E two hours , certainly so the people who are who are making shopping visits , or visits to the banks et cetera would get the lower car park and the the people who are staying for a longer time would be at the top .
23 One difficulty with the term is that many contemporaries would never have been prepared to apply the word ‘ culture ’ to the new preoccupations of the masses .
24 The evidence of the students at the college is that this was a clear teacher .
25 When I wrote to the Department of the Environment , the reply was that this was the Lord Chancellor 's responsibility .
26 The tragedy is that many of these disorders are easily diagnosed ; all that is required is to take an adequate history and perform a mental state examination , procedures that are cheap and free from side effects .
27 But you know , the tragedy is that this does n't just happen when we 're non Christian , it ha can happen when we 're Christians as well .
28 The tragedy is that most of the transmissions from Astra are in the old-fashioned PAL TV system , with analogue sound .
29 The talk was that those good enough to pass the special high standards required by the regiment , would receive wings and special regalia , which was sure to appeal to the ladies .
30 For all the talk of a tax backlash and attempts to cut state spending on welfare the irony is that both are now higher as shares of GDP in all OECD states compared with 1975 or 1980 .
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