Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [conj] [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The way to secure future prosperity is by embracing change not resisting it and as my honourable friend er indicates , by using our skills to best effect and competitively in a global market place were we to embrace the policies of members opposite in the European community we would shut the job , the door to the jobs which will come from that inward investment because we have opted out of the social chapter we do indeed have the opportunity that comes from being , if I may qui may quote er President Delors a pa a paradise for inward investment .
2 It is top feed to the boiler and proves to be a very efficient design .
3 It 's something off , it 's just the attachment that goes from ma , my mum 's Walkman and she nicked off with it when it was at when we were at her house and if I lo , if I keep it anywhere else I 'll lose it so I 've clipped it on to there so I know where it is .
4 And the law , it is suggested , should value the attachment that comes from working on land :
5 Marx 's and Engels 's first concern with anthropological material was therefore to show the variety that exists in the nature of social relations , and the historical peculiarity of a society where one group of people treat others only in respect of the labour they provide , labour which then can be bought and sold as though it was any other useful article .
6 He clocks approximately 1hr 10mins for a 25-miler on the bike and runs at seven-minute mile pace , and is keen to improve on his weakest activity , swimming , during the summer .
7 ( i ) negation : The double negative " unwilling without ( 2 ) , for example , suggests a contrast between the willingness that seems to be expected of Pemberton and the reluctance that his own circumstances force upon him .
8 Arguments in favour are that the video recording gives a more complete record because it shows what the lecturer writes on the board or displays on the Overhead Projector and it can also cover any demonstrations that are part of the lecture .
9 A good deal of this book is about the inequality that exists in British society .
10 By the summer , the same show had been enlarged and retitled Jolly Jack or The Heart that Beats for a Sailor .
11 Or consider the problem of becoming an MP when the House of Commons starts its sitting in the middle of the afternoon and continues into the evening , which cuts across any conventional domestic commitments .
12 For example , many people at the Royal Brompton and National Heart hospital tell me that some of the special health authorities should be allowed to win new patients and the money that comes with them by being allowed to work in the internal market .
13 I simply wan na say two things and that is this that within a month if this scheme is to work I believe that the council or the social services committee must draw up a long list of homes which it proposes to close and that long list will be in teams and that must be done not behind closed doors so that people know what is being proposed , we level with people who live in those institutions and they are fully acquainted with our , with our intentions and secondly I think it 's necessary to understand from this programme that it is not just refurbishment programme , it is a refurbishment and closure programme the simple equation being that the money that comes from closures from capital receipts and some revenue savings , actually goes into the rest to refurbish them .
14 But the money that comes in that way never fully covers the expenses involved in supporting our efforts in those countries .
15 The depth of the hole at any moment represents the money that has to be put in at that moment .
16 The curve is not cumulative : the depth at each point indicates the money that has to be put in at that point .
17 There can be little doubt as to what in the way of topics and register the Host expects in the Monk 's Tale ; he concludes his observations on Melibee with : and continues with a description of the Monk that matches with the impression " Chaucer " claims to have of the Monk in the General Prologue , of a " " manly man " " , straining at the bounds of what is allowed to a monk ( and not dissimilar to the monk of the Shipman 's Tale ) : After nearly a hundred stanzas of the Monk 's tragedies , the Host is prepared to give him a second chance , as " Chaucer " had , but feels this time he has to be more specific as to what is wanted : But as soon as the Monk speaks we have the opportunity to see , firstly , that his reaction does not suggest he is flattered or pleased by the Host 's appraisal of him , and secondly that he sounds quite different from the bold and thrusting " man 's man " that " Chaucer " and the Host would make of him : Note how the Monk 's desire to offer literature that " " sowneth into honestee " " anticipates Chaucer the prosist 's retraction of the tales " " that sownen into synne " " .
18 The power supply will also fit inside the case but has to be removed from its casing before you can install it .
19 Some of the damage that comes from drug addiction , especially the physical damage , comes from secondary aspects of the drug .
20 a large initial letter at the start of the text that drops into the line or lines of text below .
21 Here once again we see the advantage that comes to the novice anthropologist who learns his craft as a stranger within a speech community which is totally alien .
22 This was all my fault for underestimating the route and our stamina , so I took her sack and helped her stagger down the snowfield and moraines to the path .
23 The left photograph best shows the front face ; the right section of the crag that breaks into a series of vertical weaknesses to turn a sharp corner .
24 It is the statute that marks out the field and dictates to the citizen the rules by which he is to play and the goal at which he is to aim .
25 The word Reiki means ‘ universal life energy , ’ which spiritualists say is the lifeforce that exists in all living things .
26 Now suppose that the buyer commits a wrongful anticipatory repudiation of the contract and the seller immediately accepts that repudiation as terminating the contract and sues for damages .
27 The decision that needs to be made is whether children should continue their education in Britain or accompany their parents overseas .
28 Is it that G Ps do n't read the literature that comes with the drugs .
29 Most of the literature that deals with indigenous psychologies fails to take into account the possible variations in this respect between not only the sexes , but between other social categories such as chiefs and commoners .
30 The reality is that the number of single-person households in a particular district is part of the profile that is drawn in order to establish the standard spending assessment , and therefore the grant that goes to the local authority .
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