Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 The national park committee also agreed to support a timetable for all public transport within the park and to help with British Rail 's Esk Valley line .
2 Yeah , I worked with a voluntary group for a while and I remember helping one lady go through , she was raped , and go through the courts , and all her past life was brought up , I mean I was so upset for her and yet the fact that he had actually raped twice before was n't brought up , but her past life was brought up and the man actually got off in the end because she just could not cope with being on the stand and dealing with it all and it was just so terrible that , that , that the , the ina ,
3 It is part of the daily truck in street markets ; it the kind of thing which turns on the average car dealer ; it is part and parcel of many of the transactions carried out in the building trade and cash or at least early settlement means a better price for the retailer when negotiating with a manufacturer .
4 It is seen as a measure by Stoddard Templeton to actively support the retailer and combine with the mutual interest of winning customers .
5 These patients were withdrawn from the trial and treated with corticosteroids .
6 ( 1 ) On any a plication for the renewal of a licence in respect of any premises ( other tan off-sale premises ) , a licensing board may require a plan of the licensed premises to be produced to the board and lodged with the clerk , and on renewing such licence the board may order that , within a time fixed by the order , such structural alterations as the board thinks reasonably necessary to secure the proper conduct of the business shall be made in that part of the licensed premises in which alcoholic liquor is sold or consumed .
7 One point worth mentioning is that the carrying system may be completely detached from the sack and used with other sacks in the range which are available separately without the back system .
8 For months , she admitted later , she had faced the possibility of her son being badly injured against such a highly-rated opponent , but now Lennox was not only the winner but emerged with hardly a mark on his body .
9 The girl pulled herself from the mattress and stood with one hand on her hip , in an aggressive pose .
10 I should apply a hot antiphlogistine poultice just above the fetlock and alternate with a cold hose on it twice a day . "
11 Always brush towards the heart and start with a gently pressure , building up to what feels comfortable for you .
12 He borrowed a dromedary camel called Bert from Dudley zoo for the afternoon and watched with evident delight as the surprised children were taken for rides around the lawn .
13 I think he had been listening to some people in the dale who had missed out on the shoot and the money that went with it , and were critical , or pretended to be critical , of people who worked for Sir Emmanuel and the other toffs — maybe a bit left wing , although Stanley was n't a person who took any interest in politics .
14 For example , many people at the Royal Brompton and National Heart hospital tell me that some of the special health authorities should be allowed to win new patients and the money that comes with them by being allowed to work in the internal market .
15 They then went through his pockets , took the money and escaped with £27 , leaving the boy shocked but otherwise unhurt .
16 There can be little doubt as to what in the way of topics and register the Host expects in the Monk 's Tale ; he concludes his observations on Melibee with : and continues with a description of the Monk that matches with the impression " Chaucer " claims to have of the Monk in the General Prologue , of a " " manly man " " , straining at the bounds of what is allowed to a monk ( and not dissimilar to the monk of the Shipman 's Tale ) : After nearly a hundred stanzas of the Monk 's tragedies , the Host is prepared to give him a second chance , as " Chaucer " had , but feels this time he has to be more specific as to what is wanted : But as soon as the Monk speaks we have the opportunity to see , firstly , that his reaction does not suggest he is flattered or pleased by the Host 's appraisal of him , and secondly that he sounds quite different from the bold and thrusting " man 's man " that " Chaucer " and the Host would make of him : Note how the Monk 's desire to offer literature that " " sowneth into honestee " " anticipates Chaucer the prosist 's retraction of the tales " " that sownen into synne " " .
17 My Lord this is a , er a , a case with er strong facts , it 's er the case that dealt with the red hot television Dutch television
18 She opened the case and looked with dismay at the flimsy green silk nightdress lying on top of the matching gown .
19 Dorcas lowered himself gingerly on to the brink and sat with his legs dangling over the drop .
20 When the moran of the Purko section rose in 1918 , in protest against recruitment , all operations against them were suspended while Delamere , at his own request , was allowed to go into the reserve and negotiate with the rebels .
21 Is it that G Ps do n't read the literature that comes with the drugs .
22 Most of the literature that deals with indigenous psychologies fails to take into account the possible variations in this respect between not only the sexes , but between other social categories such as chiefs and commoners .
23 For a while Flavia Sherman joined them at the rail and stood with her hand resting on Joseph 's shoulder ; but she seemed restless and soon tired of watching the peasants at work in the fields .
24 For three days , while Asmar lingered on in a Beirut hospital , Coleman stayed in the apartment and slept with a gun under his pillow .
25 The new pope was given the name Innocent by the archdeacon and invested with the scarlet mantle which signified his pontificate .
26 In other words , the true date lies between TL 1080 and 1240 , with 95 per cent confidence , clearly demonstrating that the third alternative holds : the daub is broadly contemporary with the backfilling of the drain and coincides with clearance of buildings in the eleventh century AD to make way for the building of the priory church .
27 He went into the kitchen and returned with a plate of local delicacies which he offered me together with a little plate , a napkin and a finger-bowl .
28 From a half doze Jane saw Christopher and Francis emerge from the barn , go to the kitchen and re-emerge with the sack of flour , which they took to the barn !
29 Amanda went into the kitchen and returned with two packets of crisps .
30 He went off to the kitchen and returned with a carrier-bag .
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