Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [pron] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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31 The kids in the band whose guitar it really was set up a look-out in The Roebuck and , of course , they spotted him .
32 And Russia is , after all , where the first English joint-stock company , of the sort whose shares we would recognise on the market today , got off the ground .
33 Thus it can be argued that although the courts proclaim that in reviewing the decisions of an administrative body they are merely attempting to keep the body within the jurisdiction conferred upon it by Parliament , in fact they do sometimes explicitly justify their decisions by reference to the expertise or lack of expertise of the body whose decision it is sought to review .
34 It attacks the very cells in the body whose job it is to fight off infection — the cells of the immune system .
35 On Aug. 13 the Soviet Union responded coolly to Saddam 's " peace initiative " of the previous day , and on Aug. 17 Shevardnadze said in Moscow after talks with West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher that the Security Council could soon assume a military role which could bring a rapid resolution of the crisis ; the Security Council Military Staff Committee , he said , was the body whose task it was to co-ordinate military measures .
36 ‘ Few people can judge what shape a particular horse is in better than the smith who shoes him .
37 The meeting whose dangers she tried to reason away by recourse to Freud . ’
38 I detest Picasso who , instead of handing ‘ Guernica ’ over to the town whose name it usurped , left his battered and decrepit work to the Reina Sofía hospital after its reanimation in the Prado clinic .
39 The name of the module whose substate you wish to view .
40 How the heck we prees it , police that sort of thing , I do n't know .
41 The most important of the forthcoming exhibitions is the survey of nearly 200 paintings and 350 drawings to be held at the Foundation which Miró himself established in Barcelona in 1975 and to which he gave a large collection of his work before his death .
42 The dual source of the state 's role in hegemony helps us understand the limitations of the state in respect of the alliance whose power it also represents .
43 And it also managed to chip some of the woodwork , curious to think that I was offered as war damage compensation five pounds to re-case the piano , you could n't of had it repolished for five pounds , but thinking was working class people should n't have pianos , I 'm certain that was at the back of , of the gentleman whose job it was to evaluate war damage , he certainly raised his eyebrows every time we told him , what either a piece of furniture or crockery or cutlery which had been destroyed had cost and he was so foolish after er the house had been almost flattened as de demand bills as proof of evidence that your figures were correct
44 The bar-room whose porch I was leaning on , while gazing at the street , was surrounded by cameras , lighting and film crew .
45 But Sarah had stepped into the railway carriage with relief , unable to feel anything but pity for the curate whose heart she had unwittingly stolen .
46 Four samples of typing had subsequently been brought to Wickham , each identified by the registration number of the machine and the name of the person whose desk it normally stood on .
47 You , or the person whose name we use must co-operate with us on any matter affecting this insurance .
48 You , or the person whose name we use must co-operate with us on any matter affecting this insurance .
49 You , or the person whose name we use must co-operate with us on any matter affecting this insurance .
50 You , or the person whose name we use must co-operate with us on any matter affecting this insurance .
51 Conversation dries up , strain and tension increases and relatives will say that they know that the only thing that can break this living and extended nightmare is the death of the person whose bed they are sitting round , but ‘ What a dreadful thought to have . ’
52 The witness of an insult , or the victim of it , will feel that his dignity is impugned and regarded as a matter for contempt by the person whose conduct he witnesses .
53 She fastened on to the person whose house it was like the Old Man of the Sea in ‘ Sinbad the Sailor ’ . ’
54 Kings Norton was aware of the quality of the people with whom he worked — Christopherson , Richmond , Hornby … — and felt that Sir Lionel Russell was the person whose judgment he most admired .
55 Usually if a part of the body is hot , or is cold , it feels hot or cold , to the person whose body it is .
56 All the way home she found her mind turning to the red roses , and the person whose birthday it was .
57 It is clear that publishers may rely upon the defence of fair comment to the same extent as the person whose comment it was , so if the author of the letter is also sued , or is prepared to testify , the honesty of his views will afford the newspaper a defence .
58 Alas , I found that , my surname , spelt , was always first on the register whichever class I was , so I was number one .
59 no , what I 'd like you to do is , I want you to put it on the erm , you can take it home later , put it on the windowsill with your plan , do n't lose your plan please put it on the windowsill your plan you need to have your plans with you , now you can start tidying up your mess and
60 But erm we could cut down an awful lot of these accidents and erm it does n't matter at the end of the day what level it is .
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